Blogs from Córdoba, Argentina, South America - page 3


South America » Argentina » Córdoba » Córdoba October 23rd 2014

Leider kann ich keine Fotos hochladen, da das Internet hier nicht gut genug ist. Deswegen müssen die nächsten Blogs ohne Fotos auskommen. Da in Cordoba nicht so viel passiert ist, werde ich meine gesamten 3 Wochen in einem Blog zusammenfassen. Alles in allem ist es eine doch recht schöne Stadt, die viele Dinge zu bieten hat. Die erste Woche bin ich es zunächst sehr relaxed angegangen, habe in Francos Wohnung gechillt und bin dann ab und zu hinausgegangen und hab mich ein bisschen in der Gegend umgeschaut, was Gott sein Dank sehr einfach ist, da alle Straßen nach Schachbrettmuster aufgebaut sind. Zu Francos Wohnung gibt es zu sagen, dass es eine typische Studentenwohnung ist-sehr sperrlich eingerichtet, kaum was zum Essen im Kühlschrank, dafür aber eine gute Lage (ca 10 Minuten zu Fuß zur Uni)mit wenig Lärm. ... read more

South America » Argentina » Córdoba » Villa Carlos Paz September 21st 2014

Gestern war hier Frühlingsbeginn, und den feiert man hier ganz groß. Deswegen hat die Brenda mich nach Carlos Paz mitgenommen, eine Stadt ungefähr eine Stunde von Córdoba entfernt, wo es ein großes Fest gab. Dort waren wir zuerst mit 2 Freundinnen, Paula und Flor, in einem Restaurant im 13.Stock eines Gebäudes essen. Von dort hatte man einen tollen Ausblick auf die Stadt. Wir haben verschiedene Sachen gegessen, unter anderem auch Calmari, die mir zu meiner Überraschung sehr gut geschmeckt haben! Danach waren wir dann noch bei Paulas Oma, die extra einen Kuchen gebacken hat. Typisch für Argentinien bestand der natürlich zur Hälfte aus Dulce de Leche, die andere Hälfte war Schokokuchen. Man muss nur ein kleines Stück essen und ist dann für den Rest des Tages voll. Anschließend wir dann zum See gegangen, wo extrem viele ... read more
Carlos Paz
Carlos Paz
Carlos Paz

South America » Argentina » Córdoba June 26th 2014

Cordoba, or as I now like to call it, the land of unfulfilled promises. We all promised Spencer that we would wake up at half 7 for a trek up a mountain, most of us failed to do so. I promised Spencer I would wake up and teach english to the dean of Cordoba university, I failed to do so. I promised Tricky that horses are safe and that he wouldn't fall off... well, I´ll get to that later. This story starts, like most good stories, at the beginning. Touchdown in Cordoba was just like in any other major city you may come across, except for the group of bus workers jamming outside the station on their break. A short walk later and we reach our hostel, a vibrant but welcoming place called che salguero. Upon ... read more

South America » Argentina » Córdoba » Córdoba April 8th 2014

3 April 2014 – Thursday – Mendoza to Cordoba, Argentina We caught the 6am bus for the twelve hour journey and 600 kilometres across the middle of Argentina from Mendoza to Cordoba. The road is long and straight and the landscape mostly flat and uninspiring. We had the upper deck front seats but with the sun pouring directly into our faces and the air-conditioning not functioning, it was a long hot and stuffy ride. The scenery itself was also uninteresting and consisted mainly of large tracts of cultivated fields. It seemed to be dead flat the entire distance, with the Andes far behind us and not a mountain or even a small hill ahead. The bus stopped over a dozen times at small towns on the way, none of which seemed very interesting, but it allowed ... read more
Cordoba 008
Cordoba 035
Cordoba 036

South America » Argentina » Córdoba » Córdoba January 6th 2014

Firstly, a belated Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all my readers (see photo 1). A notable thing about my stay in Córdoba was something difficult to represent in a photograph; the temporary absence of police. One day at 17:00, the police went on strike. The local villains said “We couldn't possibly take advantage of this unfortunate situation; oh well, perhaps just this once.” There then followed a night of looting and vandalism. The fireworks I thought I heard in the evening turned out to be gunshots in the district adjoining the one the hostel was in. Evidently all the hostels were phoning each other to tell their guests not to go out in the evening. I was unaware of this and blissfully wandered back to the hostel after the start of the strike, ... read more
photo 2
photo 3

South America » Argentina » Córdoba December 18th 2013

Wednesday 18th December (Odyssey Day 40) This morning we were meant to depart Mendoza at 0800 but typically, Emma’s bus had broken down at the border and so we delayed until 0930 instead. I think everyone really enjoyed the lazy morning, especially with the breakfast this hotel puts on. We did managed to pick Emma up on the way out of town. It was a very hot day today and the windows stayed open as wide as possible. It makes a nice breeze when driving, but as soon as the truck stops, the heat is instantly there. When the truck sits out in the sun for any length of time with the door and windows closed, the inside temperature can top 50°C, especially in the cab. After our brief lunch stop, it started to rain. Well ... read more

South America » Argentina » Córdoba » Mina Clavero December 9th 2013

After a week of Spanish classes Liz has progressed to being able to answer philosophical questions about the past and Ross has learnt how to order a litre of beer. We both agree that Ross' classes have therefore been much more useful. Having spent ten days in South America's second largest city (we think) we were keen to get out into the nearby Pampas in search of gauchos (cowboys), so we headed to a small and what appeared to be sleepy town called San Antonio de Areco. We arrived during siesta time and quickly begun to wonder whether anyone actually lived in this town. After checking into our hostel, we had a wander around and realised almost the entire population was either in the river or barbecuing next to the river. Whilst Liz really wanted a ... read more
Rustic building in San Antonio de Areco
Boat trip to river delta by Rosario
Warm enough for Ross to swim

South America » Argentina » Córdoba October 23rd 2013

Saturday 8 June to Monday 10 June It pains me to say, but my overall impression of Cordoba was one of slight disappointment. Having read about the city pre-visit, I was expecting to be floored by its culture and buzz. There was promise of a thriving Arts scene and an energetic student population. I just didn't seem to come across any of it! In hindsight, maybe I didn't visit the right areas and suffered by not partaking in the nightlife - I expect this is where I’d have witnessed the student masses, seeing as it was a weekend. Despite being somewhat under whelmed, there were some highlights. The first of these was Mercado Central – my first experience at a South American indoor market. There was stall upon stall of fresh meats, fruit and vegetables, cheese, ... read more
Fancy Frescos
Crypts and Crematoriums
Clouds above Cordoba

South America » Argentina » Córdoba » Córdoba October 23rd 2013

Liebe Freunde, seit Montag bin ich nun wieder daheim, nach einer verlängerten Woche in der Provinz Córdoba. Eine Freundin und ich haben uns in den Herbstferien auf den Weg gemacht und einen Nachtbus in die Stadt Córdoba genommen: sie mit großer Vorfreude, ich ebenfalls mit Vorfreude aber mit noch größeren Halsschmerzen.Wir kamen Freitag morgens an, waren erst einmal gemütlich Kaffeetrinken und haben uns dann auf die Suche nach dem uns empfohlenen Hostel Che Salguero gemacht. Nach erfolgreicher Suche verbrachten wir den Tag im eher regnerischen Córdoba (dazu später mehr), und machten uns schon am nächsten Tag in aller Frühe per Bus auf den Weg Richtung Nirgendwo in die Sierras von Córdoba.Die Busse aus Córdoba fahren überall hin und halten auch überall, und wir haben auf dem Weg Richtung Cruz del Eje ziemlich lange gebraucht bis wir ... read more

South America » Argentina » Córdoba » Mina Clavero June 24th 2013

A waterfall that gives continual birth to a river, the playground of the local people; a condor in flight, floating beside the mountain chain; a Sunday artisan festival of hippies, complete with tasty beer (a rarity in South America): It was, without doubt, an exceptional and memorable long weekend. The village of Mina Clavero is situated in the province of Cordoba, Argentina. Caroline and I were looking for some mountains or countryside, ideally suitable for day treks during the final long weekend of our stint working as teachers in Buenos Aires. I had originally cast my gaze towards Paraguay; however, Caroline hit upon a place neither of us had ever heard of, yet when we mentioned it to Argentinians, we always heard the same response, “Qué lindo!” As a result, we had been literally counting down ... read more
Wandering home along the river in the late afternoon
Caroline was very happy to be on holiday in such a serene location
Caroline with our new favourite beer: Cerevza Paso Ancho (the bottles were empty at this point...)

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