Blogs from Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America - page 397


South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires January 20th 2006

Club 69. Hmm. What a crazy night! We´d heard various reports about this legendary Bs As night on Thursdays at Club Niceto. The best quote I heard was "There's lots of transvestites and dwarfs who´ll knick your sh!t and give you fake money". To which I said BRING IT ON!!!! Well, we met up just before midnight at Bar Taller on Plaza Serrano, had a quick drink their then headed to the club about 1am. Too early. Still not used to this. Doesn´t even open til 1.30. So we find a classy local bar called the loft and have a drink there. Back to the club, and though there were no dwarfs that I could see, men in womens clothing were definitely amongst the dancers. Well, one. A big fat guy with massive man-tits, who made ... read more

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires » Buenos Aires January 20th 2006

Recoleta Cemetary: We checked out one of the most interesting places in the whole city...morbidly enough, it is the city of the dead. The cemetary, (which looks like a small city with tombs extravagantly designed as small houses) is home to only those with famous last names, prestige, and a lotta cash. There is an Argentine saying that states 'one can live an extremely wealthy life and still not pay as much as it cost to be buried in Recoleta Cemetary'. We actually know two locals (Frederico and Giancarlo) whose families have plots there. Some of them house entire families, others only large enough for one or two coffins. We also saw a few smaller ones with only 2 coffins spaces, which are occupied, therefore about 10 boxes of other relatives are piled on on top ... read more
Mini-Mansion for a coffin
Death of a sailor (?)
Elegance and Sophistication

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires January 20th 2006

How could I be in Buenos Aires and NOT title this first entry with a tribute to ALW´s Evita? You can take the girl out of cheesy Musicals, but you can´t the cheesy music out of the girl! Griff and I arrived here after commuting overland and in the air for over 24 hours. Griff had the worst of it, as he got sick before leaving and was forced to travel in such a state. He is presently back at the hotel (cheap but clean I might add- the hotel, not the husband) sleeping and trying to take it easy. Though I had high hopes of making a day out of seeing the Casa Rosada and other monuments in BA, I will instead spend the day tending to my sick husband...I am most certain that he ... read more
A Statue in  the center of the city
The same in Spanish and English
This is my favorite one...very creative!

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires January 20th 2006

Trying to order breakfast at 1 in the afternoon with a hangover is not for the faint of heart. I can´t get them to understand bacon. Just bacon. Dammit Tocindo! but no. They still don´t get that either. aarrgghh. I went out drinking last night and got plastered. A "lost" passport drove me to those lengths, I figured I wouldn´t worry about it and trust in the luck of Brian. And it worked. My passport appeared in mi camiso. Ha! Sometimes it really is good to be me. I´ve been taking pics like crazy so when i get a bit more time on the computer here I´ll post them. Hasta luego!... read more

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires January 19th 2006

There´s 3 million people in Buenos Aires. Now that´s 3 million stories..and there´s bound to be some good ones in all that. But sadly, this temporary inhabitant hasn´t got one of them.... In the city of Tango and passion, nothing of any interest has happened at all. Just a lot of walking, and not a lot else. So, I posted some photos I have taken during my walking... Buenos Aires, this is you as far as I know you.. ... read more
Graffiti art
Street tango

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires January 19th 2006

I have arrived. It. Is. Hot. City Hot. I likey. It is causing my feet to burn as I cruise the streets. No bike, just walking. My bike is in storage at the hostel as I forgot to get my wrench from the baggage people. It had gotten taken at the TSA security checkpoint for being 1/2" too long, then checked in. And I forgot it. That´s what happens after 16 hours on planes. Oh, Well, I found a bike shop around the corner from the hostel, and although they can´t sell their wrench they will put my pedals on for no problems. So, now I sit on a busy street in Downtown BA, a few blocks from the expensive part district and the yacht club. Well never found the club just the entry to an ... read more

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires January 19th 2006

"In line with your salza stories apparently the tango singer Carlos Gardel (1890-1935) is still worshipped like a god. Every year thousands make a pilgrimage to his grave, climb up to the life-sized statue, and place a lit cigarette between its fingers. You know what to do billy and dont forget to post up the photo... that is if you can take on the Wogeo TM challenge" Okey dokey! Well, as you know, I don´t smoke, but we´ll see what we can do!! Classes still rattling on. I´m hoping she wants to get through everything quickly and leave loads of time to practice........ read more

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires January 19th 2006

Not satisfied with waterfalls from one side we had a look at the other.. The Argentinian side was immense, taking us close to the individual falls. It was an amazing 44 C which meant for hot work but and amazing day. According to the resident guides they were trying to build us up so by the time we saw la Garganta del Diablo (the big one) we were right in the zone.... It was amazing. For the next few days we deteriorated - Dave´s sunstroke turned out to be stomach upset which knocked us both out for days - we´ll spare you the details. We managed to leave the sweat pit of Iguaçu and headed for Corrientes, hoping for cooler weather. Unlucky!! This sleepy little dock on the River Parana was also baked in sunshine. The ... read more
Rio Graffiti
The Iguacu Falls
Cheesy "Us at Iguacu" picture

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires January 19th 2006

Well, lessons seem to be going well. Marisa is still flying along at a cracking pace. Means I´m learning a lot but I´m not quite sure how much is sinking in! Last night we went to a salsa class. Unfortunately it started an hour before we arrived, so they were already doing some fairly advanced stuff. So I, and some others of the less well coordinated students from school found a table, sat, drank, watched, pointed and laughed. Which was fun. Eventually some of the Brazilian students from the school arrived. Being Brazilian, dancing is in their blood, and they all looked amazing. So towards the end of the class I let one of them teach me a little. After the class it just turns into a club, and the salsa coninues til about 4am. It ... read more

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires January 18th 2006

Well we started to go to the cemetery yesterday, took a little break in a cafe and found out from our guidebook that it closes at 6, and we get out of class at 6. So we had our afternoon snack and then walked (seemed like the entire length of the city!) an hour and a half to meet people for dinner. We went to this sushi place that offered all you can eat sushi for 44 pesos. Expensive in Buenos Aires standards, but for my 15 dollars I got three maki rolls and lobster/vegetable tempura. Not too shabby. And the place was one of the chicest places that I´ve ever been to. Mirrored New York a little. Afterwards we went to have a drink (a $3 mojito) at a bar in the area, and found ... read more

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