Tango Finally and a Trip to Tigre

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires » Tigre
March 3rd 2009
Published: March 3rd 2009
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We are nearing the end of this trip....and doing some of the things we missed at the beginning of the trip here... Yesterday, we walked arcross the city from our hotel through St. Telmo (where BA originated) to La Boca (where immigrants arrived, and tango grew famous, along with soccer) for about 7 hours, stopping for meals and sights. We strolled through antique markets, got caught in a thunder... Read Full Entry

Photos are below
Photos: 35, Displayed: 21


Commuters arriving in the amCommuters arriving in the am
Commuters arriving in the am

We are heading out as they come into the city...
The beer arrives by boat...The beer arrives by boat...
The beer arrives by boat...

As does everything else here....we saw fridges, dogs, water, TP...all being loaded on top of the boats...
On the train back homeOn the train back home
On the train back home

These two women got into a space issue, since the large woman leaned a bit onto the thin one....thinness is very valued here...and people are very rude to overweight peope at times..

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