Buenos Aires & the almost maybe got robbed story...

Published: July 19th 2011
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I have been in Buenos Aires for about 5 days now and said ciao to my two friends from Holland, but have now met up again with my friends Shannon & Reb from BA. We´ve done absolutely no sleeping, the nightlife here doesnt start until 2am. A fellow Argentinian told us the schedule of there day (we were wondering how on earth they can get up for work every morning!). Looks like its work 8-6pm, sleep until 10 or 12, Eat dinner, shower, hit the bars at 2 till 6am, sleep 6 to 8... Bam! 8 hours of sleep. They dont siesta here like in Peru...
My first night out was with Suzanne and Bastiaan to a Tango show at "Cafe Tortoni" which turned out just perfect. Cafe Tortoni is quite famous here for its coffee inside a building that would be considered very "Church-esc" with a beautiful setting. In the basement is the Tango shows. We had a crazy tap dancer who swung around ropes with balls at the bottom to create even more beats, an opera singer, tango dancers, comedians and cider. After wards we went to a place called "Catedral", where the locals go to listen to local artists and dance Tango. Cheap food and beer in a huge warehouse covered in artists work on the cielings and walls. We returned last night to catch a Sophie Viola (sp?) who was just unreal, we all bought her expensive CD... Ive never heard a voice so crazy but beautiful!
Our nightclub two nights ago started off with Spanish music and slowly worked its way into North American top 40 hits (gross), but the kicker was the bar tenders walking around serving fresh mandarin and apple slices at 4am, then croissants and coffee at 6am (while your dancing of course). Great night until Reb´s iphone went missing... according to the cab driver "oh yaaa thats normal!"
I succesfully met up with Dad a couple days ago, we had breakfast and a stroll down "Florida " ave. On our way back I was telling him how dangerous the thievery in BA is. All my friends and fellow hostellers have had something stolen - including ... Everything. Dads response "Tessa... everyone has a horror story, Wait till you get to Rio, way more dangerous than here!"... I start telling him one of the horror stories, which Ive heard 4 other people tell me something similar that happened to them or a friend :
One guy from our hostel was walking from the train station to the hostel when something wet was thrown on him, two lovely people came to help wipe it off him when one stole his small bag (usually this is teh one containing your valuables), he dropped his big bag to run after the guy, returned and the large bag was gone.
Bummer eh? At this point Dad and I both feel something hit us (like a liquid of sorts), i look at my ankle to see something grey dripping down. ... Oh well i thought Ill deal with it later, probably a bird. All the sudden a lady appears from behind yelling in spanish that we have something down both our backs and it was a bird (as she directed our heads upwards). She came to us with a napkin along with her "husband" at both angles but Both dad and I were like "No Gracias! No no no no!" backing away. As persistent as they were, we refused their help not letting them touch us. After a few minutes of "No no no-ing" they left finally. The grey liquid looked as though it had been thrown from eye level, not from the sky. I even took a chance and smelt it along with a few people from the hostel... " This is NOT bird poop!". Phew... Needless to say... Im pretty keen on getting all my photos up before this camera gets stolen! Cant replace that.
Ill be in BA for a few more days before heading to Iguassu falls with Reb, then Brazil. I just barely got my Visa today, its taken so much runnin around and the pile of documents I have is ridiculous! I hope to see a few more things here, theres so much to do! Enjoy the photos i posted from Bolivia! The salt flats were amazing
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