Buenos Aires

Published: April 2nd 2008
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Hello all, sorry about the lack of writing, but I´m quite lazy when it comes to these things!

I left Rio about 2 weeks ago, went to an island called Ilha Grande, which was fun for a few days, there are no cars on the island so its all on foot or by boat. the best thing about it is the beach, were I did some surfin and bodyboarding. I got a surf lesson off some brazilian dude who couldn´t speak English so he just proceeded to shout at me in Portugeuse every time I did something wrong.....but I didn´t have a clue what the eejit was saying! Everyone on the island is crazy about Bob Marley, they just listen to him the whole time...its a bit weird. The beaches are really nice though...and i seen a snake when walking in the forest

Then went to Iguassu which is famous for having one of the worlds biggest waterfalls, and hydroelectric dam. The dam is bloody massive, i got a tour around it, and it is mind blowing. The falls are pretty good too, seen them from both sides, and then paid to get a speedboat trip which takes you up to the falls and into the spray and gets you very wet.....it seemed a bit strange to pay someone just to get you wet!

Then went to a city in Paraguay called Ciudad del Este, which is quite possibly the worst place I´ve every been in my life....its full of tacky shòps selling cheap electronic goods, some of which are fakes and some of which are genuine. Bought a cheap mp3 player, which was my purpose in going, but the place really is not very nice, you have this constant feeling that you were gonna get shot or mugged!......All the security guards in the shops have massive shotguns, which surely can´t be the most suitable firearm to be using in a crowded shopping mall!

Now I´m in Buenos Aires, its a pretty nice city, probably the best place i´ve been so far. BA is famous for its steaks, so we went to what is supposed to be the best steakhouse in BA. The steak was good, but I was put off by the 7ft brick-shithouse waiter(think Jaws in the James Bond films), he shaked my hand as I came in and I swear my hand was nearly crushed..I was lucky though, he is known to punch some people in the stomach when he meets them......strange man!

Went to a very cool street market on sunday, which was full of cool street perfomers. There was a tango band complete with piano on the footpath. The best bit was watching this fella who looked like a cross between a buddhist monk and a goat. He had this diggeredoo(the aborigine pipe wind musical-instrument thing). Many people(mostly young girls) were queueing up for him to blow the pipe in there faces...it was quite amusing!, he himself was taking it quite seriously as if it was some sort of cleansing ritual, but I was just breaking my sides with laughter!...fair play to him though, he was making a good few quid out of it!

South America is riddled with cockroaches by the way!...they´re everywhere


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