buenos aires so far...

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South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires » Buenos Aires
February 12th 2008
Published: February 12th 2008
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so the bus journey was actually amazing..although we didnt get off the bus for 17 hours, not great but we did have everything we needed in this box of luxury on wheels! we got served champagne and offered drinks to us the whole way down, as well as little eaties and we got dinner and breakfast the nexxt day, admitedly it was like airling for food..but as i love it i was a happy camper (maybe camper is not the right word when you´re sat in a first class bus though!!)the loos also got cleaned after every person used them, which was great for us but so much for the stewardess, who had the misfortune of having a person with a rather runny tummy to put it nicely on the bus for 17 hours...she had to have a word with him in the end (not sure she could take it anymore!) and told him that ´los banos solo para piss, no caca´, much to mine and cara´s juvenile minds amusement! unfortunately, he didnt understand and so we were called up to translate to him what she was saying, through stifled giggles and trying not to embarrass him we managed somehow to put it nicely, which after a few glasses is not easy let me tell you!

we got into buenos aires at 7.30am and went to our hostel, where we checked in andhad a little snooze and then thought we d go exploring. well there a wonderfully gorgeous columbian man who runs the hostel and so we went straight him and played the damsels in distress card..not sure it worked when he came out with a map that had all the gay areas on it..mmmmm we accepted it though because you definitely need a map to get round buenos aires gay or not!! we then discovered (Also from the gorgeous columbian) that there was a market in one of the parks...sod the culture we are going shopping (ladies you will understand this!) we did get slightly lost though and ended up finding a slightly smaller market (so many distractions, so little time...) and i just had to buy some paris hilton esque glasses...mainly to smarten up my appearance in a very smart city! we did eventually make it to the big market and we spent about 4 hours there..not really shopping it is just that big!! all the produce that is sold though is made my the people selling it - mum you would have had to have been very restrained when walking around it!!! and we walked there which took about a 2 hour round trip...maybe for normal people it would take an hour round trip but we are much bigger fans of the amble...and we got to see the city which seems to be more like a set of towns than a hustling and bustling city..its got quite a laid back atmosphere about it and has lots of little cafes around the place that you can people watch in...the centre is abit more chaotic but not in an unpleasant way (unless you´re hungry in which case we get a bit grumpy trying to find places to eat!!)

one of the boys who we met in our hostel is a soap actor in chile...soaps out here are massive so me and cara were obviously excited about this celebrity that we didnt know! he speaks little english though, and i speak little spanish so our first conversation was interesting..cara was having a nap and was trying to talk in my broken spanish, and while trying to say my friend speaks spanish, i had a flashback to the gorgeous columbian handing us the gay friendly map, so after saying ´ma amiga´ i panickally thought that perhaps i had said my girlfriend and had to check with matti (the chilean actor) that this meant friend and not girlfriend..causing more confusion and in the end it didnt even matter as it turned out he was gay anyway, as was his friend that he was travelling with, and another guy also in our room was gay too....it was then that we realised that we might actually be staying in a gay hostel...damn how do we tell the gorgeous columbian that we arent gay??!!! went out with them all though last night and had an amazing time, we could all have cocktails together and talk about men and then like, have a little boogie and they were also really protective of us, making sure we werent be harrassed by the locals in an inapproriate fashion, and making sure we were fed and had drinks...they werent that camp but the stuff that comes out of their mouths...entirely vulgar in parts but also very entertaining!! loved them.. they are here until friday and we are scheduled to go a club where all the lovely, rich, generous business men hang out after work - so that promises to be a good night..shall keep you updated!!...


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