Farm Stayin'

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7th August 2005

The number 56 shall guard you wherever you may roam
Great write-up about the farm visit. You're really getting the hang of this public blogging, but then again it may be just like Planworld in it's own way. (Can PW show pictures like this does?) Love the pictures. You're getting very good at your composition and captioning, too, which add a lot to the humor. How much rain do they get in the area where the farm was? Somehow I thnk the pool at the top of the hill was from rain or a spring, and not a tide pool unless they have EXTREMELY HIGH TIDES that extend far inland in that part of AUS!! You would have noticed a tide rise like that, since you are so observant of all that goes on around you. ;> Thanks so much for the update.
7th August 2005

I hope Molly has FUR, not FIR. Otherwise, clipping her mats would be a prickly business for all involved. One other question...isn't a "crucifix" the thing with Jesus on it? If it's empty, it seems like it's just a cross. Perhaps a Catholic will chime in with the answer here. Why on EARTH would those kids want to drink from a stagnant old rainwater puddle, probably full of rancid algae or something? (Dave beat me to the "TIDEpool?!" comment; they must have some kind of tsunami-like tides there in Pingelly!) Overall, I LOVED every bit of your blog, Andy. My only disappointment is no picture of Joe!!! I LOVE border collies, if that is what he is, and SO wanted to see him. If we EVER get a dog, I will be very tempted to get one. We've watched the working dog trials on TV (it's on for hours in Scotland and northern England) and went nuts over them. The dog owners at the trials can direct their dogs with tiny head motions or slight wrist motions or quick little whistles...hardly enough for us to notice they were doing anything. It was amazing. And it was clear those dogs just LIVE to race around doing whatever their masters ask, no matter how nonsensical, at about forty miles an hour. What did emu egg taste like? Seems like a waste of perfectly good protein to throw those big bucketfuls away....
8th August 2005

second that motion
To Margaret: yes, actually, you are right about the crucifix. Jesus has to be hanging uncomfortably on it in order for it to be a crucifix (and usually only Catholics have those). For all other garden variety Christians, the cross'll do. I saw a couple of those monsters in Texas and Oklahoma (and maybe a couple other of those EXTREMELY flat Red states). My mother was impressed but I thought it was just a little, well, strange. But it's cool that you got to go in one, Andy. Good pics from up top! I will second the request for pictures of Joe. They sound hilarious. Did you get any good ones of the awkward Emu egg laying? I hope we get to see those too. Sounds like a great visit (my farm stay was far and away my favorite part of being in Australia). What a nice couple, that they welcome you into their home and cook for you and show all around the farm. They sound very nice (and happy). I am also a bit lost as to why anyone would want to drink from still water with fish swimming around in it. It's like pouring yourself a nice glass of ooky pond water. Yeaugh. Great update, overall - thanks and keep doing it!
17th August 2005

andy, one thing i've noticed on your blog is that your mom, dad, and lady are constantly correcting your grammer, spelling, and just being overall critical of your presentation. it is a mans right to misspell and misspeak, as i will commonly demonstrate. you need to assert your manness and tell them to take what they get and like it. no critizism is welcomed by the fully self absorbed man. (just kidding dave and margret)
19th March 2007

Pingelly farm Stay
A friend found this a couple of days ago. I t was a great reminder of your fun visit to us - especially the emu egg cook off Regards Shirley

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