Day 36 Dunedin

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November 3rd 2014
Published: November 12th 2014
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Today we said goodbye to a our crew in the morning and headed to do a deep south trip, which covers a few places in the far south of the island. It was a pretty uneventful day as the majority of it was spent on the bus.

We did however get to stop at the world's steepest road. It is definitely a thigh burner. Dont know if I would want to do that walk everyday. You would have thighs of steel though after a couple of weeks. A plaque at the top of it stated that in the 1980's some mad man roller bladed UP the hill, yes up. How he managed to I have no idea.

Wandered round a rainy Dunedin, unfortunately we got there pretty late so everywhere was closed and grey weather always makes cities worse than they are. So I don't think I got to see Dunedin in its finest form. We all just had a nice relaxing evening in, relaxing on the sofas and watching films. Then all went to bed relatively as we had an early start again the next morning.


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