North Island

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November 6th 2008
Published: November 6th 2008
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Monday 27th October
Spent a second night at the beautiful Bay of Islands beachside campsite. Did a lovely coastal walk and generally chilled for a change!

Tuesday 28th & Wednesday 29th - drove around the Coromandel penisula - lots of gorgeous coves but scary mountain hairpin bends. On recommendation of the woman at Auckland bookshop visited Barry Brickell's mountain railway and pottery. We were a bit worried as most of the other visitors were full on trainspotters. K rudely commented that I fitted in nicely with my SLR Camera dangling round my neck (at least it wasn't their greasy hair and beer bellys that reminded her of me). Sounds not the sort of thing we would do but was actually a conservation project with amazing views.

Thursday 30th
Rotorua was the next stop-famous for its geo thermal activity- think hot springs,mud pools and smelly air. K very excited. Had a great afternoon at a Maori culural centre and topped it off with a dip in our own private thermal pool with lake view at the Polynesian spa. Heaven! Another thai meal and a few drinks at the Irish bar which K dragged me out of when I wanted to join in the Irish jig. I blame the dehydrating effects of the thermal baths (K thought the G&Ts may have had something to do with it).

Friday 31st
The only thing that goes bump in the night round here is the nocturnal kiwi bird.
One of my favourite days (K!) We visited a Kiwi conservation project where they rescue eggs, enable them to hatch and then release them back into the wild. This was so amazing - I had to stop myself crying! Awesome! Then pm we visited a geothermal park - where had lot of geysers,diferent coloured pools,mud etc. My idea of heaven. S frustrated as her camera battery died so she only got to take 100 or so shots!

Drove to Napier and found that NZ totally undersells itself as passed an inconsequential sign saying scenic lookout and pulled in to find the most amazing waterfalls! Nice surprise. Then as we drove over the brow of a hill we were greeted by the most awesome view of Lake Taupo backed by snow-capped mountains. Not a bad day travelling!

Sat 1st November. Did Art Deco walk in Napier led by a very enthusiatsic guide who turned out to be from Abergavenny! Buildings fab! Drove to Wellington where massive storm developed and we had a very,very hairy drive on mountain pass road where 2 cars ahead of us had been blown of the road!!!

Sun 2nd Nov. Explored Wellington including the excellent Te Papa museum. Enough city life so we headed out to the coast to try to find an elusive seal colony. Two hours later we tracked them down and it was well worth it. Just the 2 of us and 5 seals watching the sun go down. Magical!

Mon 3rd Nov. Up at 6am for the interislander ferry. Time to leave the North Island for the wilds of the South. K was worrying all night about the 3 hour crossing but it was as calm as it probably ever is.


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