Another down in Queenstown!

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July 7th 2009
Published: July 7th 2009
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I honestly didn't think I'd have much to report on from the last week- I spent everyday working and Josh was out busking or helping our landlady's new fella move into his new pad....( Yes the lovebirds have been staying there the past week, giving Josh and I the run of the house and the ability to actually 'relax' here!)

So yes, my week has consisted of trundeling into town, serving chocolate and trundling home again. Went to a friends birthday gathering at a house the other side of town Wednesday, which was good fun and met a load of new people. But generally, a pretty uneventful week... up until saturday!

Saturday I was meant to work at the restaurant 7- close, but got there and they told me I wasn't needed after an hour and a half!!! Was not impressed, to go all the way into town for pretty much nothing. Oh well, met up with a few others before I headed to a gig with some people from Patagonia (the cafe not the place) and spent the evening dancing along to reggae band Katchafire! Which was brilliant. Josh sneakily (and annoyingly) managed to sneak in half way through for free... the perks of the smoking ban forcing a crowd outside the door giving the passerby chance to just slide in under the blanket of smoke! The evening finished about 1.30am and I drove home with a very jolly passengers- Josh and a guy called Ben who's staying at our house, I also picked up a hitchhiker. On the way up the first relatively steep hill into Fernhill the police pulled me over to breathalise me (they're really hot on it here) I was clear, and so wee able to go on our way. However, stupidly we were driving Mary very very low on fuel, and so being stopped on a hill meant the teeny tiny amount of petrol left sat at the back of the tank.... thus not being able to pump through the tank and causing Mary not to start!!! The police didn't seem to care and just drove on to the sound of us frantically trying to get her started. No luck. In fact we'd made it worse by sucking up a load of rubbish into the fuel pump. The hitchhiker was cursing getting into our car and so left, poor guy. After a little debate as to whether to 'roll the car backwards down the hill and somehow magically turn it around' or to sensibly call the AA we settled on the AA and had to wait an hour for him to turn up. Once he had and had topped us up with petrol, tried doing his thing Mary still wouldn't start. So we were towed up the hill and thankfully with Mary in 3rd gear and the engine on she eventually got the strength to push the blockage out through the pump and she was purring beautifully again. Bedtime was at 4.30am!

An eventful night. Sunday was less so thankfully and entailed Josh busking and myself working 3 till close.

Monday saw Josh turn 1/4 century old, the ripe age of 25! And he was greeted with a cup of tea in bed and a fry up on rising. After a few pressie openings we headed to Glenorchy for a walk up the invincible mine trail, where we had to build a river crossing out of rocks and branches (a wobbly masterpiece if ever I saw one!) before reaching the top of the hill in the snow and eating a deluxe picnic overlooking a beautiful snowy scene! It was idyllic and with party hats and portable speakers and ipod, along side birthday muffins with candles in, it was hopefully a memorable day. We headed back on down, party hats still on head and slowly made our way back to Queenstown. In the evening we went to a bar to have pizzas alongside a couple of others who I'd organised to be there and had a lovely evening toasting Josh's birthday. All in all a really nice day (especially as I didn't have to work).

It's now wednesday... i'm late in my blog, so apologies. Worked all of yesterday and spent the evening waiting for Megan to finish on the laptop... she's back! But thankfully her new fella is not, he's out of town. But it does mean it's serious time with bills to pay this week. But what with all the hours I'm putting in, it shouldn't be too much of a problem!

So thats the week just gone, another ticked off in Queenstown. Another working and another trying every way to stay warm!

Love to all.... am sure the next blog will be postively less eventful, if not a little boring!

Thank you for your comments and updates, so nice to hear whats going on back home!

Lessons learnt:
Never let Mary run low on petrol.
Don't ever expect the police, whatever nationality, to help in any situation.
Always try your luck with getting in for free!


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