Fergburger Recovery Day & Goodbye Queenstown!!

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March 21st 2009
Published: March 27th 2009
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20th March 2009 - FERGBURGERS.......WOW!!!
My alarm went off at 9am. I did not want to move but we needed to book another nights accommodation and so I trundled downstairs only to learn that Nat had already been down and booked it at 8.30am. Whilst I was up I had some breakfast & some water to re-hydrate my body before heading back to bed. I was tired and had an alcohol induced headache - sleep was the only cure!!

We eventually got up at around midday and lounged around downstairs for a while whilst watching 'Along Came Polly.' I felt like I was at home staying in my pajamas until mid-afternoon. Such a novelty when travelling! At around 2pm we finally decided it was time to get dressed and get some fresh air so we headed into town for a stroll. Whilst in town we spent a fair bit of time on the internet trying to catch up on some blogs and respond to emails.

Once done on the net it was time for a Fergburger. I had heard about them from a couple of friends at home who had visited New Zealand and also from fellow travellers. It really wasn't your average burger shop.....in a different league and made fresh to order! I ordered a normal 'Fergburger with cheese' - prime NZ beef, lettuce, tomato, red onion, relish, aioli and edam. Pretty big and damn tasty especially as I aren't usually a burger girl. Nat went for the daddy of all burgers...'The Big Al' - Double serving of beef (1./2lb) lashings of bacon, loads of cheese, 2 eggs, beetroot, lettuce, tomato, red onion, relish and aioli. It was huge...as big as her head and I haven't a clue how she ate it all!! The woman behind the counter even asked who she was sharing it with! I must say that she didn't feel too good afterwards as she was way too full but even so.....good effort Nat!

We then had a stroll around Queenstown to see some of the sights such as the lake. We then headed back to the hostel at around 6pm. I had a little nap and read some of my book before we both headed back out to the internet for another hour. We haven't turned into computer geeks.....it just takes so much time keeping up with these blogs and Queenstown internet is cheap as chips so we made the most of it! Once blogged out we headed back to the hostel and got tucked up into bed with our books before falling fast asleep!

21st March 2009 - GOODBYE QUEENSTOWN!!
Got up at 7ish, dressed and packed up for the day. I made sure I had everything and then we set off on the bikes...to the bus stop! I know...we should have been biking this part but it really wasn't our fault that we couldn't. We wanted to bike to a town called Tarras about 80km away. It looked like a nice flattish ride too so I was actually looking forward to it. As luck would have it though the only backpacker hostel in Tarras and the only place we could have stayed for the night had closed down. We couldn't make it all the way to the next place (about 140km) and so our only option was to bus it! The bus arrived on time as usual and we loaded our bikes and jumped on board. Next stop - Omarama!!

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