The Chilly part of NZ

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March 11th 2007
Published: March 11th 2007
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Hi Guys
I hope you're all well. So much has gone on this week so I'm gonna have to break it down into a few entries. Treat number 1: Franz Josef Glacier! I shall post a photo of it on soon (naff computer once again) but let me tell you, this glacier is one big bad boy! It's right at the end of a huge green misty valley. At first it looks really close, but once you've walked 3km you realise it's not. It's the fastest moving glacier in the world, travelling at least 1m a day. A big river flows out of a cave at the bottom of it. As we started to climb the first sheer face next to the cave we heard a thunderous splash at saw that a big part of the glacier had broken off and was now floating done the river. Impressive, but not encouraging as we started to tramp on up! The glacier itself is beautiful. A lot of it looks blue, but apparently it's multi-coloured (due to sunlight) and the human eye can only pick out the blue. The sun shone for most of our trek, which was fantastic considering the rain falls there the most (the down pours are obsene and put England to shame). The boots tore my legs to shreds though I look as if I've been in a kicking fight.
After the glacier trek and a swift cup of hot choccie we jumped in the car on a 5 hour drive to this was the 'drive of your life'. The scenery was like a perfect photograph that had been touched up with photoshop.
Entering Middle-earth country......

Love Bex

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13th March 2007

Aw'right, bird?!
Bex, doll, thought I'd have a little look at your blog thingy. Looks like you're having a fabulous time. Do you have any intention of coming home in the near future?! New Zealand looks awesome. Clever old God, eh?! Things fine with me albeit struggling with envy having seen what you're up to. Lots to tell you. The highs, the lows, the tantrums, the tiramisus... But it's all good. I'm going back to South Africa in June, Cape Town. Whoohoo! Love you lots. Miss your company on retail therapy trips. Watford harlequin ain't the same without you, doll! Big Love Kate XX Anyway
14th March 2007

Mate, so good to hear from you! Glad you're enjoying the site. CAPE TOWN! What are you doing there? Room for one more??? I'm coming home at the beginning of May but have a feeling I won't be home long. Been thinking about Africa funnily enough... tell me more.... Love Bex xxx

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