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September 19th 2008
Published: September 27th 2008
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We finally had a lay-in. Dale and Ollie I mean, Mark was already up for his standard morning stroll followed by a heavy dose of NZ TV. After a very healthy breakfast of creamed rice and bannanas we made very light work of cleaning our 'spaceship' (because we didn't) and Ollie took the helm and pointed it toward Auckland. This would be our last journey in the car 😞

After a relatively event free drive to Auckland (surprising because Ollie was driving 😊 ), we dropped the car off to either an over worked or very blind man. I say this because yesterday a lorry had thrown a rock up and made a chip the size of a fist on our windscreen; with no insurance for that, we were ready to be asked to compensate. When we were told we were free to go with no word of the chip, we got out. FAST. A late lunch (because of the late breakfast) was in a nice little japanese restaurant; I mean when in Rome!

We found a hostel in the centre of town and relaxed for the rest of the afternoon. The New Zealand Warriors were playing later on and so we walked to the harbour bars to watch the first half of the match. After being harrased many times by groups of girls doing some radio competition for money (not complaining) we watched the first half of the match in a couple of bars at the harbour! The second half and the night that followed is a little blurry from there on.


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