Famous Last Words

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Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Whangarei
July 6th 2007
Published: July 6th 2007
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Hey Team. Things are going well over here in NZ. We've just finished our little assault on both islands. I can't remember what we got up to this week, but I'm sure it was fun.

Let's see. Oh, we took the ferry over from the South Island. I almost got sick. The boat was huge, but I guess the waves were big too. Made it without losing any cargo. Wellington was a good town. Went to Te Papa (the National Museum) and checked out the parliament house. We got to check out a session as well. The members were very lively and were yelling at each other. It was great. I thought they would all be asleep or something. One member called an other female member a witch (not exactly, but he told her to get off her broom).

From there we went to.....Wanganui, which was uneventful. Drove around some more....Stopped by Mt. Taranaki, which was alright. From there went to Taupo. Good time there. We went fly fishing. It was....fun. I've done it. "We" caught two fish and they tasted very good. Cool thing....Huka Falls.

Went to Rotorua and enjoyed the rain there. Ty got to watch the All Blacks play Australia. Drove from there to Tauranga. More Rain. Did get a chance to go to Hot Water Beach. Not as cool as I'd hoped, but still unique. During low tide you can dig a hole in the sand and hot water, and sometimes cold, comes up through the sand. The water was too hot in some places and the holes were difficult to dig. The next best thing, and probably my favorite, was going out to the Poor Knights Islands. The plan was to go scuba diving, but since I am a very sickly person I couldn't. Ty got to go and I went snorkelling. It was still a great time. Lots of cool fish and all that stuff, saw a couple sting rays.

From there we cruised up north some more up to Cape Reinga and drove back down again. Yippee. With all the rain we've both been reading like madmen. It's been great. Ty leaves tomorrow and I plan on going down to Wellington to do whatever it is I'm going to do.



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