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June 22nd 2008
Published: June 22nd 2008
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i haven’t actually done much so i don’t know why i am writing a blog but the internet in this hostel is free and i feel i should make use of that. Plus i am trying to make this whole blog spelling error free in an attempt to stop disappointing my parents with my terrible grip of the English language.

we are in wellington at the moment in a wicked hostel with free internet and a pool table in the kitchen that we shove tea towls down the holes so that you only have to pay once. what more could you ask for really? Wellington is a pretty good city i must say, and it actually a real city not a fake city that is actually a town trying to big itself up. nightlife is good and a lot less backpackerish then Queenstown which is good in the sense that there are normal people to talk to and the bars are much better but bad because people here actually have jobs therefore weeknights are a bit quiet.

went to a wicked museum yesterday called 'te papa' which was FREE and actually great fun. there was this table thing that had different pools of light on it and if you put your hand over one it started making a beat or part of a tune or singing or something and then you could make a whole song and it was great and we stood there for a long time dancing and not allowing little kids to have a go. it was great. there was also a free dance performance which consisted of a woman waving a lot of leaves around pretending to be a bird.

then we at eat wagamamas which was a mad treat and much better then 40 cent cupa soups we have been living off. on the plus side i have learnt how to make poached eggs.

and i just pasted this into microsoft word and there wasnt a single spelling mistake! get me.


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