smelly land

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Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Rotorua
June 28th 2008
Published: June 28th 2008
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Right in Rotorua at the moment, which is a very sulphurous area, therefore smells like stink bomb all the time which is pleasant.

Met up with Will and Shane in Wellington which was nice, if a little odd as a) we were halfway across the world and b) they were both wearing togas but it was wicked to see them.

Then we headed up to Taupo where the weather was shite so unfortunately we could not do the big impressive walk to see 'mount doom' from LOTR because it was closed, which is a real shame. We turned up and it was awful weather but luckily the next morning (after getting up at 6am) the weather was clear enough to so a SKYDIVE. Yay. It was bloody cold however even with 2 jumpers and a shell suit and a very unattractive hat. We then piled into a PINK plane which was very exciting and went far too high in the air for my comfort where we had to use oxygen masks which was quite funny. Luckily enough no one there was doing smelly farts, which was nice. Both girls were looking a little nauseous but luckily they got pushed out the plane first so they couldn’t vomit on my head. The actual skydive was the most surreal thing everrr, it didn’t really feel like you were moving. To be honest when the guy asked me how I was doing my only reply was 'im fucking cold' which I was, and I had ice on my face by the time the parachute went up and the instructors glasses had snapped from the cold. And he said it was the coldest he had ever done it. It was however still excellent and I get a free t-shirt so life is good. unfortunately my photo DVD had to be sent home because we needed to get on the bus and it wasn’t ready, but imp not sure I will ever let them go public anyway as they are horrific.

Umm then we headed here to Rotorua where we did the Maori cultural evening which despite getting hideously like Butlins holiday camp at some points (they wanted us to hold hands and sing?) it was really I interesting watching the traditional dances/war cries/welcomes. And there were a couple of hot men in little clothing so it was all good. AND we got an all you can eat meal where I ate so much I thought I was going to die because I have been living off cereal bars and 2 minute noodles. I had three puddings, it was amazing.

The next day me and Tasha spend hours in the Polynesian spa in several mineral hot tubs and did not a lot else, it was great and I was silky smooth after. And smelled like egg yum.

We will be back on a beach in 3 days and I am SO excited!


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