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July 30th 2005
Published: August 4th 2005
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Beer Pong TableBeer Pong TableBeer Pong Table

Here is the table that many of the Kiwis and Andy worked on and put in my room to stay, it was sorta built in my honour.
Today was to be a big day. Brunch this morning was all hyped up, it was supposed to be 'flash' for McKenzies. It turned out to be alright, eggs, OJ, hash browns, that type of thing. After brunch the plan was to play some basketball at the primary school up Vivian St. with a bunch of Kiwis. There turned out to be 11 of us, so we got to play 5 on 5 with a sub, it was sweet, I was excited. Basketball is not the national sport, or even too popular by any means here in NZ. Its all about rugby. We started playing and Andy, another American, and I started laughing because many of the Kiwis were passing the ball like it was a rugby ball. It was a pass similar to a lateral or a toss in american football. I got a kick out that. Andy and I were team captains since we were the only ones who could really play. I picked Chang (Kam), Doug, and Jeremy. We won both games easily, I could pretty much score at will. It started pissing down heavily (raining hard) but decided to continue playing anyways. After 2 games some

Unicomm Beerpong League
kids wanted to play with us but they were not older than 10 years old. We decided to play 2 ball knock-out. It was heaps of fun. I won the first two games, and ended up winning 3 outa the five games played. Andy won the other 2 games. It was funny how out of about twenty people the two Americans won all 5. We then walked down the hill and decided to party later on in my room before everybody went to the ball.

Last night I went to a bar with a few friends and played some pool. I played against this guy who turned out to be a rugby player. He said that he had a test match today and wanted me to play. He would say, "You would be a good number 8." I replied, "What does the number 8 player do?" He said, "He tackles and gets tackled alot." "Grrreeattt" I joked. He told me to meet him at Prince of Whales Park at 3 and his team was in green and white jerseys. All last night and this morning I contemplated whether or not I should play or just watch. I ended
Haley & MeHaley & MeHaley & Me

This is me with my roomate Haley on the night of the ball that many of the residents went to.
up deciding that I would play and give the sport a chance, even though I didn't have cleats. I found the park around 3:30, but there were no green and white jerseys on the field. I searched around and found a team playing in the right colour jerseys. I stood on the field and watched the game until it was over, but unfortunately I never saw the man I had met, oh well. I hiked all the way back to my apartment, which took almost half an hour. I opened the door to my living room and I find at least a dozen Kiwis partying and playing music. Sweet Aiiiss! They were all 'on the piss,' pregaming for the ball. I was not going to the ball because I didn't have any dressy clothes. All the girls were wearing formal dresses and the guys all had nice suits on. We played some beer pong and they left to go to the ball. I hanged out with Ben and some Americans for a while then went into town and bumped into my Maori proffessor, Dennis, at a bar after I was done playing pool. It was so funny and weird to
My SignatureMy SignatureMy Signature

Heres my signature on the table.
talk to a prof of mine at a bar. I guess its not uncommon, because this was the second time it occurred.

Additional photos below
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There are also 4 superheroes, one on each corner... pretty sweet table if you ask me...

3rd August 2005

good on ya
sounds like a fun game, glad you won. Too bad you couldn't borrow a suit jacket and go to a ball. I know you know how to dance. It was great talking to you lastnight. See ya in Nov. Love auntie kay

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