One of the Best Day's Walks in Nz

Published: June 4th 2007
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Mt DoomMt DoomMt Doom

AKA Mt Ngauruhoe
We decided to embark on the 18.5 km Tongariro Crossing from Mangatepopo to Ketetahi. This was following many recommendations from other travellers, however our main concern was the weather conditions. Before we set out we checked the conditions again, and the National Park Information Centre & decided that this would be our only opportunity. (Given the changeable conditions to be expected in the next 5 days). Having never climbed a volcano before, it was quite an experience.

We followed the walk towards the Soda Springs, at a gentle pace gaining great views of Mt Ngauruhoe & Mt Ruaphuo. Then we reached the Devils' staircase, which was very steep and challenging due to the layer of fresh snow (hence the name). However amongst the other hikers we finally made it up the Mangatepopo Valley (between Tongariro and Ngauruhoe). As we walked across a flat plateau the cold wind & the freezing cloud particles fell against our faces - an interesting experience. We could only see a few metres ahead due to the thick mist covering, and wandered if we were the only people up there, until we finally caught up with three people sheltering under a rocky ledge!

We then reached the South Crater and Red Crater, views of which were slightly misty! Next we saw the impressive vivid Emerald and Blue lake, while we ate our lunch - slightly refreshing. These lakes were the highlight of our walk, although they would be even more stunning on a good day. We saw lots of lava rocks and lava lines in the surrounding hills. We then descended to the northern slope of Tongariro, and zig-zagged down to the Ketetahi Hut, where we were greeted by a little bird, our first wildlife sighting since our descent. We passed the sulphur smelling Ketetahi springs and headed through a dense and attractive forested area to the end of the walk.

The entire walk took 7 hours, we could certainly feel our muscles. A great experience though, seeing active volcanoes and stunning views. After we did a quick tour of the information centre to find out more about the area's geology, natural composition & history before hitting our beds exhausted.

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