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August 28th 2005
Published: August 28th 2005
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Have uploaded some pictures to a different web space.

Several of you should have recieved an email asking you to join my group to be able to view my pictures. I hope it's a success let me know if it's not. Or let me know if I missed you so I can invite you too!!


28th August 2005

Hey dude, finally caught up on this blog, took me long enough :P sounds like you're having a great time, I'm so jealous! Oh yeah, and the pictures all showed up fine too, so no worries there :)
28th August 2005

Hey! I cannot believe some of the things youve been doing! Especially the sky diving! How scary is that! Sounds like ure having an amazing time out there, bet you won't want to come home at the end of it! I didnt get the website for the pics u mentioned in ure journal so could you pass it on to me when u have any free time, which doesnt sound like your having much! as i'd love to see some of the amazing things youve been describing! Take care! xkerryx
28th August 2005

Lookign Good
Camera seems to be ok. Nice small jpegs, keep it up. Did I miss something on the picture of the fern? Thought you looked a bit chocolate eyed on the close up portrait - must have been the altitude! Where was the pink-un? XX R
29th August 2005

Pink un was on there somewhere!!

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