dodgy men and my mother

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July 20th 2005
Published: July 19th 2005
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To those who have been keeping up with our "adventures", I have been slow in reporting on the ladies night at the local pub on friday night.

Okay, let's just say even I was shocked and appaulled by the antics of NZ strippers, they would get sued in England for things they did. I can't even describe the women, my mother being top of the list. My reserved mum got dragged up on stage and had to spank a strippers arse!!! I will have to apologise to everyone that I was laughing so hard I did not get a decent photo to post on the site.

I will just end by putting it as an "experience" I never wish to repeat, seen it, didn't do it and the t_shirt stank! By the way the troup were called 'men of steel', stay away!!!!!

Ta ra Gem


20th July 2005

I didn't think you could get strippers worse than the ones we used to see at McMillians on a wednesday night in York (back in the days)!!!
21st July 2005

cheap cider
Yes trust me these were worse and the women were even more hysterical.
24th July 2005

Hey Dave - now that the pruning is over - sounds like a window of opportunity here to earn a few bob.....Maybe you could dig out that wet suit you used to have.....

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