Coromandel Peninsula - New Zealand

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Coromandel
October 29th 2009
Published: October 29th 2009
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10-25-09 - Sunday afternoon we departed Auckland heading south and then east to the very popular and beautiful Coromandel Peninsula. The Peninsula is due east of Auckland separated only by the Hauraki Gulf. The peninsula starts southeast of Auckland but juts out into the Pacific well north of Auckland. We’re hoping to see Auckland at night from the peninsula. This area we have been told has ... Read Full Entry

Photos are below
Photos: 68, Displayed: 21


Photo 64Photo 64
Photo 64

The gold mine at Waihi.
Photo 65Photo 65
Photo 65

Waihi gold mine.
Photo 66Photo 66
Photo 66

Waihi gold mine.
Photo 67Photo 67
Photo 67

The small town of Waihi.
Photo 68Photo 68
Photo 68

The beach that is 9Km from Waihi.

29th October 2009

Fabulous Pictures
We are praying for you daily. What an absolutely wonderful adventure you two are having and making us all jealous. The sceanary is something to behold. I was fascinated with the man fishing in the Pacific and wondered if you were offered any of the catch? Happy Trails to you.Til your next report.
29th October 2009

fishing device
Ozzie was very interested in the torpedo, but we decided it wouldn't be legal in Canada (darn!) Great pics, Eve
29th October 2009

Almost as good
as being there ourselves. Good weather forecast for Napier, of course!
29th October 2009

What are you giving that Kiwi to drink?
Hey Larry and Rhea, Sounds like you have been having a great time. The pictures have been very nice. Must say, though, I have never seen a Kiwi sitting down before. I have given your blog link to several people in the office and our balloon friends. I told them they could subscribe if they wanted to or just check it now and then. Take care, Robert
29th October 2009

Hey Guys
Great idea with the blogs. Love the photos. Need to borrow my ski jacket?
29th October 2009

great pictures, enjoying your comments.
29th October 2009

Found a number of things re: preparing any mussels: Preparing mussels before cooking Mussels must be thoroughly cleaned and rinsed several times before cooking. Wild mussels will need to be scrubbed with a stiff brush to remove any barnacles, sand or grit and their beard must also be removed. This can be done by giving the beard a forceful tug with your fingers and pulling it away or by cutting it off with a small and sharp knife. Rinse the wild mussels several times but do not let them sit in water, as freshwater will kill them. Farmed mussels will have already been prepared for cooking and it will suffice to just give them a quick rinse under a running tap of cold water. The only controversy was whether, after cooking, to eat closed mussels. Some say yes (generally restaurants) and others (generally eaters thereof) say no. Bony appetite--and, very much enjoying your posts. Bill
29th October 2009

I'm happy that ya'll are having such a great time! Keep the post coming.
29th October 2009

Great Journal!!
Thanks for including me. Fascinating adventures!!
30th October 2009

for the good times
30th October 2009

I am enjoying your trip vicariously,wishing I could be there. I love exploring new areas as you are doing, although Tina and I have not stayed in a tent for many years. Have a great time and keep us posted.
30th October 2009

Are You Ready?
Really enjoy reading your travel blog. Thanks Ray
30th October 2009

Great photos
Larry and Rhea, Thanks for the commetary and photos from NZ. Little Bit would like to visit with her "sister." Looks as if you all are having a great time. Thanks, Jim
30th October 2009

I enjoyed reading this post. I'm not sure about the mussels, but I hope you two are warm and well today!
30th October 2009

to Oct. 29, 2009
Larry, you are sending valuable information for anyone visiting New Zealand. What a great adventure. Stay warm. The scenery is spectacular. Thanks for the great pictures.
30th October 2009

I am loving your blog and seeing all the beautiful sights and hearing of your adventures. Thanks so much for sharing. We miss you at Creator..stay safe, keep warm and have a grand time.
30th October 2009

Shellfish Overload!
I'm impressed that the two of you bought 5kg (11 pounds) of mussels in Coromandel to share for dinner. I hope that you spread out the feast over a few hours. Your new backseat passenger is very cool looking, but please don't get arrested for Kiwinapping - we'd rather not have to bail you out of one of those notorious NZ prisons. BUt then again, if it means we'd have to come there to bail you out in person, maybe that wouldn't be so bad.
30th October 2009

I'm jealous!
I'm sure the gorgeous pictures aren't doing justice to your surroundings. Is it spring there? How cold is it usually? Loved your hitchhiker/mascot. Thanks for the blog... great format.
31st October 2009

yes,yes --- we're out there
am I the 18th? the 23rd? I m allergic to chocolate anyway but you entice me to nwrite. It's near deadline time so I'm not a regular reader, but I appreciate the lovely photos and the comments; I feel part of an extended family. Going to read some more and catch up! Seems like things are moving've made some great connections...
31st October 2009

# 28--Wow. Can't believe you two. Sure would have liked to tag along with you. We also containue to have torrential rain. They will probably cancel the Viking PGA tournament at Annadale. Beautiful, sunny fall day here on Saturday. Tomorrow Ramona and I will have been married 39 years. It goes by in a hurry. You two continue to grab each day.
1st November 2009

We are enjoying you travel journal. Great photos! I shared your photos of gear and packing skills with my Scouts. CHEERS
2nd November 2009

I'm soooo behind
Okay, guys, I'm reallllly missing you both. I've been gone about two weeks off and on and guess what's suffered? (Besides my children, who have been the lucky recipients of me!) E-mails are going unread!!! So now I'm sorta back, that is until Thurs., then I'm gone again. I'm loving living the good life Down Under vicariously. Keep up the good work. Love y'all lots, Janie
2nd November 2009

Great to follow you around our country
Really enjoying the pics and following your journey. We look forward to seeing you in Chch. Hi to Jeanne. Take care!
3rd November 2009

Love your pictures and travel blog....and love your mascot! Be safe and keep having fun. I feel like I am right there with you.
5th November 2009

We are enjoying reading your blog
What a great experience. Nancy and I are totally jealous. Stay warm and thanks for allowing us to enjoy the beautiful landscape with you. I too enjoy the bird pictures and the talk of seafood. yum.
5th November 2009

I've been keepin up with all the adventures on your blog and I must say I am quite jealous! I'm enjoying your house and taz is finally warming up to me. Last night he was actually mewing for affection! I look forward to your next blog entry. Have fun and be safe! P.S. Can't get the wireless or the Ethernet cable to work. Any suggestions?
5th November 2009

i am in peru
having a great time in this very neat place. can´t find the capitol key on this keyboard.
18th November 2009

We're out here!
Hey Larry, I'm reading in Florida and loving your adventure. What an amazing journey you and Rhea are on. Simply marvelous.
19th November 2009

Hi, you two! Reading about your eating mussels makes me hungry for fresh seafood! P.S. It's getting cold here in Washington State too!
23rd November 2009

The 28th Newest Comment
Hey - we have a winner. I challenged our blog readers to comment on our blog site and the 28th newest comment would get a NZ gift. Jackie Wright with New Perspectives in Ridgeland is the winner. According to the time she was still on the clock at New Perspectives so I think you'll need to share the prize with Nancy Anderson - or perhaps not! Thanks Jackie - do you like New Zealand Cadbury Chocolate???

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