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September 1st 2005
Published: September 1st 2005
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Just a very quick blog to let people know we haven't forgotten about blogging we just haven't had the time as yet. Hoping to update in next couple of days.

Everyone enjoying themselves and coping with jetlag very well.

Write aqgain soon
Love Gem and Dave


1st September 2005

chit chat
hi- update from worcester- dinyar starts his new job in the forest of dean on monday and can't wait; going back to visit the graveyard house this weekend to see if it's worth the gamble buying it (seeing some new places too); my car got through its service but needs quite a bit doing, time to sell? warm but thundery today x
3rd September 2005

dear sis
Gem here, Good luck in your new job from all of us Dinyar. Graveyard house sounds.......interesting??? At least it's unique. Elinor has tried a pnkie also and thinks its horrid, no takers for the fan club as yet.

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