Last night in New Zealand

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Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland
December 14th 2012
Published: December 14th 2012
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Had a really social day. Took agentle drive along the coast road as I on had about 80km to cover.

Pulled over when I saw a nice beach and called across to a lady cleaning her windows to say how nice a view she had and she invited me in for tea. She and her husband are Dutch and moved to New Zealand 30yrs ago. The are very fit retirees, t

he were telling me that they cycled from the very north of the North Island to the very south of the South Island and it took them 5wks. They had a gorgeous chocolate brown kitten who is normally a bit skittish with strangers, but as soon as I sat down he climbed on my lap and fell asleep.

Stopped of and had a look around soke shops and had a coffee in the next small town I came to and was at the campsite by about half 2.

Had a snooze, read a book, went for a walk, then started to pack! Not sure how it is all going to fit in as I have been doing my Christmas shopping here.

Got talking to a lovely lady next door and stayed very late. She is quiet a lady she home schooled her 4 children and one of hef sons is junior number 5 in the world for sailing. Which is why there are here because he has a race on Saturday.

It is a custom for campers leaving New Zealand to give any unwanted food/drink to those staying on. It seemed rude not to help my new neighbours out with a full bottle of Baileys that an American couple had given them.


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