Two sleeps to go!

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February 5th 2006
Published: February 5th 2006
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Hi all,

So we are almost off! Thanks to all who came to the farewell last weekend and to those with whom we have caught up with in the last few days. It's been a mission but we are finally realising the dream and are off on our adventure!

We're gonna miss all of you heaps, so keep in touch and let us know what you're up to, wherever you may be.

Our main reason for this site is so that we can upload photos along the way for you all to see, but hopefully we'll also write from time to time and tell you about our adventures.

For now, I've got to go and get all the music ready for the trip, so I'll write more once we're on the road.

~kel 😊


6th February 2006

Have heaps of fun you two and look after eachother....can't wait to hear all about your crazy adventures!
6th February 2006

Have an awesome trip you two and look after eachother...can't wait to hear about your adventures!
6th February 2006

hey monkey girl and twirly boy
hmm... twirly boy really isn't that great a name for corb, but he always picks me up and like spins me round.. *shrug*... i miss monkeys... i am jealous that you get to visit monkeys.. hope your farewell party was fun, hope you remember it.. unlike me with mine!! erm.. yea.. safe journey and all that stuff.. i miss you lots.. and we never did get to have our monkeys and sundaes party =( boo... hope you guys are having an awesome time tho. stay safe, and do all the silly things that i would do and all the unsensible things that sok wouldn't!! teehee

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