Hanging with the Kiwi's (New Zealand)

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Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland
April 28th 2008
Published: April 29th 2008
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WOW: If any experience has changed my life it would be meeting the kiwi's.

On the way to New Zealand i met to lovely UK ladies in the Fiji airport while the fire alarm went off and we were all evacuated. Then we ended up sitting next to eachother on the plane ride over.

First night in New Zealand was basically me getting drunk after walking about 8 hours around the city and spent about 2 of those hours trying to find my way back.

How often can you say you bungy jumped off a bridge and randomly talk to someone from New Zealand, and go to church the same day with them. The feeling that you get as you are falling towards the ocean with only a bungy cord keeping you from hitting the water. As you come back up all you hear are about 20 people chearing you on from the bridge.

I would say to anyone that a pacific island trip wouldn't be complete without stopping in the lovely city of sails.

Spending a day going up north to the bay of islands not knowing if luck is on our side. The weather was awful and we couldnt see anything the whole way up there. When we pulled up over the hills we could see all the islands and the clouds cleared right up. It took about 2 hours in the water on a boat again but we finally seen a pod of dolphins. about 6-8 dolphins swimming in and out between three different boats. We were given the ok to jump in the water and swim... Nothing more amazing then having wild dolphins swimming with you, next to you underneath you.

A big thanks to Aaron for being the best tour guide when i had very limited time in the city and drove me around the main areas...


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