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April 7th 2007
Published: April 7th 2007
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Great reboundageGreat reboundageGreat reboundage

She bounced up nearly as high as where she came from!
When we got back to Auckland we were too lazy to cook so we drove to Mount Eden, had a chinese and got a great night view of the city from the top of the mountain.

Over the next few days we saw most of Auckland and ate so much good food! Loads of sushi, chinese, and malaysian.

We went to a brilliant comedy night while we were here. We were seated so didn't get a choice in where we sat - we were put RIGHT at the front. We had to go up on stage and were used in a lot of jokes. One of the comedians made a brilliant observation, that Olly looks a lot like Bjorn from Abba. LOL!! It was all very funny though.

I also did a bungy jump from the harbour bridge! It was brilliant...pretty scary actually jumping off but well worth it. I bounced so high, it was great.

We're both sad to be leaving New Zealand but it's well into Autumn now so the weather's getting a bit grotty. There could be worse places to be going than Fiji!!!

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From the top of the highest volcano cone around the city, Mt. Eden.
Spitting image!Spitting image!
Spitting image!

Not many people model their hairdo on Bjorn from Abba..Olly is the exception.
Auckland IIAuckland II
Auckland II

From across the harbour.
So closeSo close
So close

Charlie really wants to be 2 inches taller. I told her it probably wouldn't work but she was well up for tring it anyway.

13th April 2007

OMG Chazza - HOW COULD YOU DO THAT!!! Well done babe! Love Olly's comparison to Bjorn! Well I'm missing ya loads and can't wait to have ya back. Love ya, Kate xx (PS I just wanted to add my first comment before it was too late!) x
14th April 2007

A braver person than me Charlotte, well done you.I was surprised when Oliver told me that you had done a bungy jump though.Can't comment on the look a likey cos I haven't seen a recent photo of Oliver's long flowing locks but take your word for it!! Enjoy Fiji. I have heard from people who have been there that it is just idyllic, so I look forward to your comments. Have a relaxing time. Love to you both. Love Mum xxxxxx
16th April 2007

hello.dont usually do these comments. just wanted 2say nice pic of the abba dude. aren't u a bit gutted u were told u looked like him?! well done charlie 4doin the jump.anyway,not long now.missin u lots. spk soon and enjoy ur shipwrecked like life styles - BASTARDS!love you both xx
26th April 2007

Very very jealous!
Olly, I am very very very jealous! All I want to do at the moment is do a bungey jump...and here you are doing it for me!? You are so lucky! I bet it was awesome! Glad you're all well, see you when you get home! :)

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