and 24 hours later....

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Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland » South Auckland
January 20th 2007
Published: January 20th 2007
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Leg RoomLeg RoomLeg Room

The AWESOME seat from LA to Fiji
And after 24 hours of traveling...I finally made it to Auckland- hooray!! Actually the 11 hour flight from LA to Fiji wasn't as bad as I expected...the benedryl pills helped a lot- thanks mom! I slept for about 6 1/2 hours! It was awesome...and thanks to some good advice from my baby I requested the emergency aisle seat so I had tons of leg room for both flights and could even put my legs up! I was super can see the luxurous leg room from the pictures.

It defiently started to hit me that I was leaving when I was dropped off at the airport by my parents and rich...and probably cried for a good 2 hours...but as the flight continued I started to get more excited about the experiences that lie ahead. I met a few cool people in the midst of my flights- one girl who has an extra ticket for the Milford track in NZ- which booked up to 5-6 months ago- so I'm taking it as a sign and hopefully I'll still be able to take her up on it...the only problem is that it's the day that I'm scheduled to leave Auckland (Feb 15th-18th)
MORE Leg RoomMORE Leg RoomMORE Leg Room

Even MORE leg room in the second flight! Can you tell I was excited about it?
there may be a need to delay my flight to Sydney- already- ha!

So I arrived in Auckland- took a bus to my hostel and hit the town. I walked around for about 2 hours down to the harbor and around down town and I have kind of decided that there's nothing really for me in Auckland so I plan to head north- possibly to the Bay of Islands- to swim with the dolphins in a day or two.

A nice connection...Craig Murphy a boy I went to high school with is living and working in Auckland- so I went into his bar and he hooked me up with a few beers- he's been travling for almost 2 years- so a good person to talk to for sure! One of his co-workers an Austrian girl invited me to go with them to Puria- a beach town close to here tomorrow- so I think i'm going to take them up on that...and then head north.

So I'm actually not feeling much jet lag at all...I feel good- psychically, mentally and emotionally and ready for...anything i suppose!

So that's all I got for now...maybe next blog I write
Air CraftAir CraftAir Craft

This was the massive airplane that took me across the Pacific- with a little bit of Fiji in the background...
I'll have some pictures of me swimming with dolphins!! (Mom i'll be thinking of you!)

Additional photos below
Photos: 5, Displayed: 5


Auckland from the HarborAuckland from the Harbor
Auckland from the Harbor

Here is a shot of Auckland...not the best weather as you can see- but warm!
And last...but not leastAnd last...but not least
And last...but not least

My honey and me at the airport... :(

20th January 2007

Well sweetheart your finally doing it! I am always impressed by you! Remember to take advantage of all the opportunities that cross your path, the life experience that lies ahead of you is all that matters . Be safe , be well, be outrageous, LIVE LIFE DON'T LET LIFE LIVE YOU!!! I love you darlin' - Chalin ;)
24th January 2007

ahhhh! and it has finally begun!

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