Byron Bay

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October 22nd 2009
Published: October 22nd 2009
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Byron bay was a cool place and is much as I didn't want to admit it I can quite clearly see how people with time on their hands could get caught up there.  At first it looked like a bit of an under eighteens fashion show but after just a few hours we could see that that was not the case. The atmosphere was really chilled and the beach was amazing.

To get to know the place we had a few glasses of perspective then way too much food. I quite literally had to poo and sleep.

The next day consisted of some much missed lazing on the beach as we haven't had a chance to do this since leaving Thailand. We also took a trip to Nimbin because people said we should and the rumors are true; the place is a stoners heaven. An hour was more than enough to spend there though and I think it takes a special breed of person to stand any longer. Rachel was being cool and browsing her way round the hippy shop and I was ready to slice my ears off with a shoelace off just so that I didn't have to listen to the rare breed of hard trance music that was poluting the place.

This morning we paid way too much to park at a lighthouse then headed for Surfers Paradise. The place is clearly busier than Byron but nowhere near as hectic as we had been led to beleive. Some of these Ausies should take a trip to Brighton when the suns out for 5 minutes if they want to see a busy beach.

There was an Indy car GP going on today and whilst the wind carried some engine noise our way, we didn't manage to see any racing.

Today has just been mega hot but now the suns getting lower and we're enjoying a nice cool beer next to the creek. However the absolute highlight of the day occured about 10 minutes ago.

We're sat in the back of the camper just sorting some things out when we are interrupted by the beeping of a horn. We look around to see who could be attempting to rouse us only to find that it is none other than the prawn king! Some dude us driving round our camp site in a mini fridge van selling fresh prawns as big as my face! It's no easy task to recall I time I have been happier.


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