Two weeks in - feels like we've been away forever

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Oceania » Australia
October 10th 2008
Published: October 10th 2008
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Well seems like we chose the right time to leave Britain. We'll never be able to afford it in future since Gordon has given away all our money....

Enough of that. We've come to the land where it doesn't seem to matter. We've had an amazing 2 weeks in Western Australia. Spent the first 2 days hanging out in Freo, a laid back town 20km south of Perth. Had the best thai meal ever! Karen's been writing a wildlife journal while I've been doing a food one!!

Then onto Rottnest Island which is a lot more beautiful than it sounds! Cars are not allowed so we got on our bikes and explored. Wildlife report - we saw a snake (yes Tom we risked life and limb for a photo), a lizard and lots of beautiful quokkas - sort of a cross between a teddy bear and a cat with a kangaroo pouch. Food report - terrible but I guess you don't go there for that!!
Then onto Bunbury - a surprisingly lovely little town with a delicious Italian restaurant and a pod of wild dolphins. We took a boat trip and 5 dolphins swam / raced along side us, having a fab time! Magical!

Headed to Margaret River next. An area known for its wineries. Had a great day on a wine tour - sampled about 40 different wines (Jen - you'd have loved it!). Next day we managed to get up for a canoe and cave trip to work off our hangovers. Afterwards visited "Mammoth Cave" beautiful but nothing compared to the wild Kookaburah bird who "posed' for photos afterwards in a tree outside. We fell in love!

The forest was calling so we headed to the giant trees of the Karri forest. On check in at our cheapish motel the teenage receptionist asked us if we'd like a table for dinner as there was only one left. She assured us the restaurant was famous in WA which seemed unlikely. Oh ye of little faith. The meal was stunning! The next day we braved the tree top walk - 40 metres at its highest point.

The next stop was Albany on the Great Southern coast. Beautiful scenery and beaches - a bit like Gower in the sunshine! We loved it here. Had our first lazy afternoon on the beach. The weather has been a bit mixed. Everywhere we go people tell us it is unusually bad! However it now seems to have returned to normal and is beautiful. Got to wear shorts!

Karen had read that in the small town of Denmark wild kangaroos could be seen at dusk around the council offices (no really!). I dutifully went along with another of her mad schemes but we were rewarded with the most amazing sight. 32 beautiful wild kangaroos hanging out in the council office grounds around 6pm, including joeys in the pouch! Breath-taking! Had to rush off as Karen had persuaded me to do the Tree Top walk at night as there was a chance of seeing mammals. It was sooooo dark but very exciting. There was a half moon which lit up the forest. We saw some mainland quokkas and a few spiders but unfortunately no possums (Karen has another midnight walk booked in Cairns - so we might see one yet).

Drove up to Perth for our last night in WA. The big city is a bit scary compared to midnight walks in the forest!

Fly to Cairns tonight! Update to follow. Will try to attach a few photos but who knows….


10th October 2008

Great to hear from you!
Sounds wonderful - is it two weeks already? Pix please!
19th October 2008

Hi Both,glad to read all about the trip,well gutted not to be there,sounds so so fab,well exept the boat trip,a whole box of sea legs for me!!!!!! glad you are having fun and safe,enjoyed the update at last everyone asking how you are.seems so long you were here,also its so bloody cold so enjoy the sun whille you got it.take care be safexxxxxxx

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