King's Park

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August 28th 2008
Published: August 31st 2008
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King's ParkKing's ParkKing's Park

The view from where we stopped to have lunch.
I finished work yesterday, so I'm free to stay out as long as I like!

Anne-Marie and I hired bikes from the city this morning and cycled up to King's Park and then around some of the park. The park is huge, so we couldn't see it all. The views from the top are great, you can see over the city and the where the two rivers meet.

After all that exercise, we retired to the pub next door when we got home, with some girls we know from the hostel we're staying in. We left after one drink to get some well earned sleep! We're going to be cycling all day again tomorrow, on Rottnest Island.

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Photos: 3, Displayed: 3


King's ParkKing's Park
King's Park

The DNA Tower

The Bell Tower

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