I made it!

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May 12th 2008
Published: May 12th 2008
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Hey everyone!

Well, I made it. It was a very long two days of flying, but once I stepped off the plane, it was al so worth it. I'll spare you the sordid details of the flights... I guess you could say I had a mini break down during my stay in LAX, but it made sleeping for 12 of the 15 hour flight there after sooo easy, haha.

Well, I am currently writing from Su's home. I should get the internet at work tomorrie, so I can update more frequently and add pictures. I took some photos of the home I am staying in. It's a very nice home. I live with Su, her 17 y/o son Blair, a Korean student, Sun and myself. There is also a dog named Midnight.

So far I have learned (for those of you who were asking me before I left)
- The toilets don't swirl at all, they just go straight down
- There are NOT roo's just hopping around, they live more inland.
- They DO eat roo's. (I hear they are tasty and I plan on trying it :])
- They like the American accent. I like theirs... we talk a LOT
- It really is laid back here. (I walk home barefoot from the Uni once I get off the train)

Tomorrow I teach my first class. I am very excited. I'm not too nervous because I am confortable taping, however, I just hope that I speak loud enough and clear enough. I had to type up notes today to hand out. It was fun, I felt like a teacher... which I am NOT.

Mark (the guy I work with) offered me the opportunity to get a PhD here... I said "Whoa buddy, I just got off the plane." Haha. It would be something to think about.

I am working with the Club Footy team at the Uni. My first day with them is Thursday. I also might be going to an AFL game Saturday. That would be exciting. On Sunday in the AM I might go with Su to the markets and garage saling. It will be like home almost :]

I am going to try vegamite soon. I am VERY nervous and I will definitely let you all know how that goes, haha.

Well, I will update more/more thoroughly later when I can use my own computer and add photo's.

I miss you all a ton, but I am enjoying my days here (I say that because I counted and there are only 55 days, which seems VERY short.)


12th May 2008

Hey girl, I'm glad you made it, I heard it was a long journey. Sounds like you are fitting in there just fine. Well can't wait to see you and your pictures! Love You and VERY PROUD OF YOU!!! Aunt Chris
13th May 2008

Haha, oh god...good luck with that. I was on a boat for three day to dive the Great Barrier and we ate a lot of bread with jams, butters, and vegamite...this kid tried to convince the unknowing that it "tastes like strawberry jam...just try it!". Luckily we had already been exposed to the wonderful world of vegamite and didn't fall for it. Let me know how the roo tastes. We only tried roo jerky...when it comes to that it could be rat for all i know...jerky is jerky. Glad you made it alive and well!! I want to see pictures!!
18th May 2008

Eating Vegamite & Kangaroo
The Aussies will assure you vegamite is WONDERFUL....but, I disagree. They love it on crackers,etc...I'll take jam, thank you very much! My Australian friend fixed kangaroo tail soup and it was pretty much like beef soup....however, when other people in our group saw it was made with kangaroo, they refused to try it! We saw it in the meat markets...but, were told it was only for pet food... I'm so happy for you to have this experience! It's a wonderful education that couldn't be gotten from books! Keep us informed. God Bless.

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