Winter is upon us in Melbourne... or what they say is winter...

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April 26th 2009
Published: April 26th 2009
Edit Blog Post what they say......

So it's apparently going into winter here... Kevin and I are skeptical, as they all say that is gets to freezing temperatures, and that all you want to do is stay indoors and drink cocoa. We think it's pretty funny what they think is cold! Given, today has been windy and grey, and there is definitely a chill in the air, BUT it is totally not freezing! It's like fall in Canada.. or maybe even Spring, as there has been a bit of rain, and everything looks really green... regardless it isn't winter to us. Kevin is still wearing shorts and flip flops, and I'm happily not wearing a winter coat or shoes!

We head back to Melbourne tomorrow morning, after house sitting in the suburbs for the last 14 days. It's been interesting, but we are both really excited to get back to the city, to where there is actual life after 6 pm at night. Mordialloc has been a nice getaway however, we've enjoyed the pleasures of many many movies, and comfortable living, but the commute to the city for work all week is not going to be missed.

I've been working steadily at my new job. A cafe called Animal Orchestra. It's a blast, I love the people I work with, its a crazy insane mish mash of people from all over the world, and everyone is artistic and open in all ways. A great way to spend the last part of my trip here. Plus I'm getting money, which will help us next month as we are heading to the GOLD COAST! we head up there on the 4th of June, and will be staying there for a week or a bit more. We're planning on heading to Byron Bay, and seeing my cousin Zack, who from what I'm gathering really enjoys the surfing and the drinks! Will be a fabulous time no doubt! I'm excited to sit by the ocean again for days on end, and hang out with the hippies of Byron Bay!

Over Easter we headed to Phillip Island, and small island off the coast of Melbourne basically. It's great as it's only a bridge away! It was super laid back, and definitely had a small town feel. The trees where amazing as they were huge, and spread across the roads like big canopies. We spend the majority of the day having beers on the dock, and watching all the families fish for their Easter dinners. It was a gorgeous day as well, so it made it that much more fun and beautiful. The next day we headed out doing the tourist thing! We saw the Seals on seal rocks, who were from the looks of it, also enjoying the sun and fishing, as well as a few cute penguins that were hanging out under the docks. They of course were quite picture shy, as apparently the light hurts their eyes. We also hit up a winery that is on the island, and I tried one of the best Pinor Noir's I've ever tasted. One bottle alone was 60 bucks. Not much if you want a really good wine, but to expensive for this cowgirl. Therefore we settled on a nice Shiraz, and Riesling. Both also very delicious. Then we rounded out the day and trip with a great fish and chips lunch on the water. Overall a fantastic day get away, and we are very happy we finally got to meet Hayley's mom!!

The next month looks like it will be pretty steady with work, and catching up with friends now that we'll be back in Melbourne. Our housemate Dorian has left us, and we've now got his friend Brice ( as well as my coworker who got me the job!)living with us. Brice is France, and has a pleather of international friends here, so likely the social scene should be busy, as Brice is already talking about having a house gathering party next weekend. So with that said... likely another long blog like this will be a few weeks.

I'm attaching pictures this time (finally) so enjoy.
miss and love you all

Miss you all loads

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26th April 2009

my Jerome....I miss him. Thanks for giving him space on your blog page. I think he deserves it .. so handsome.

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