A Grand Australian Father's Day

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September 7th 2007
Published: September 8th 2007
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Well as you can guess by our title Father's day is a different day here in Australia (it was on Sunday September 2nd). This is the first time in six years that Steve and Erica have been able to celebrate together, so it was a special day that is for sure.
Our day started with Steve receiving a wonderful card, some great Australian signs for his garage and a bottle cover that says "Australia". Then Sarn and Erica packed a huge picnic lunch. They must packed enough for 20 people (but not one crumb was wasted that was for sure). We loaded into the car and headed out for our day trip. We drove up the northwest coast to Cape Conran Coastal Park. We saw the most beautiful sites. The pictures that Steve took will give you all the details just looking at them. We stopped several times on the way and looked at different views of the ocean and special interest sites. The beaches were breath taking and I even broke down and collected a few small sea shells. We stopped and had our picnic lunch and everything tasted so good. It is amazing how fresh air and beautiful sites can bring out your appetite. After lunch Sarn took us on a great adventure thru the "bush". We went places where I know no one had been for a long time (ha ha). I had great confidence in Sarn (but think about Steve reading the map--not having a clue). We even at one point went four wheeling. Now believe me that was an experience I won't forget. (I loved it).
We saw many historical places and again the pictures will tell the story.
It was a "Wonderful" day and we will always remember it.

This week has been a rather relaxed week. It is so "calm and easy going" around here it is unbelieveable. Even in the stores and shops people are so relaxed and no one seems to get in a hurry. We did go into Bairnsdale and I did a little shopping, which was quit nice. We stoped at a local "Fish and Chips" shop. We had flathead fish and chips. They wrapped it in butcher's paper and that was you plate. It was wonderful. Steve visited a beautiful church there and was very impressed. Ella calls it the castle. She and Grandpa went on the tour while Grandma went to Kmart.

This morning Grandma went to Kinder (Preschool) with Ella. She goes each Friday morning for a half of day. She even picked out my clothes so I was dressed to her standards (grandma loved that). Anyway spent an hour there and have been invited back for next week----so grandma can help make treats. Gave them recipes for BSSE cookies and dirt cups and they were all very pleased.

Well the weekend is ahead. Sarn has been out working on his boat so weather permitting we most likely will be going fishing. We have started planning several more outtings to see more wonderful parts of the country.
Hopefully will get to post on Monday....

Additional photos below
Photos: 17, Displayed: 17


ocean cove ocean cove
ocean cove

cape conran costal park
ocean cove ocean cove
ocean cove

cape conran costal park. taking a walk
ocean cove ocean cove
ocean cove

waves breaking on the beach
ocean cove ocean cove
ocean cove

waves breaking on the beach rockes
ocean cove ocean cove
ocean cove

lunch at the beach
ocean coveocean cove
ocean cove

grandma sitting this one out.. while we climb the rocks
ocen cove ocen cove
ocen cove

waves crashing into the rocks out side of the cove.
cape conran coastal parkcape conran coastal park
cape conran coastal park

going for a ride in the in the country side
old train bridgeold train bridge
old train bridge

this bridge was biult in 1916. and it is big.

8th September 2007

tHE PICTURES ARE WONDERFUL. They are so great. They give all of us who know we'll never get to go there a wonderful outlook on the world. Give everyone a love for us. Jim can't wait to see you again. Enjoy the rest of your vacation. Love, Jim and Nola
9th September 2007

Glad you are enjoying
We have received so many positive comments. We are so happy that we are able to share with each and everyone.
14th September 2007

A Grand Father's Day
We are really having a great time. Weather is cold in the mornings but seems to warm up today. This is their spring--so sometimes cold and rainy. Today (9/14) it is warm and beutiful.

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