More party planning and hasn't time just flown!

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January 13th 2011
Published: January 13th 2011
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Blog time! Not sure what happened yesterday! Trying hard to remember! Well today was a pretty good day! But man is this weather aNnoying me! Looking froward to the party! Today's was some last minute shopping! Oh yeh yesTerday! I went to mjs and recorded that song and after we wnt fabric shopping for the material for the party 2moro. Never want to see fabric again! I am currently hissing at spot light! Back to today! Well, mum and I bought cake ingredients and chips and soft drink etc! I made vanilla cake but I seperated the batter to three bowls and made them different colours! Red/pink yellow and blue! After strategically blobing them into the cake tin I carefully mixed the cake batter to form rainbow swirls! I must eat it! Well the batter was half gone by the time I was through with it. (picture me with a half empty bowl, a wooden spoon and batter all over my face with a silly "it wasn't me!" grin!!!) I prepared the parcel to b passed, and yaya did the cooking god bless!!

Oo I digress 
Point one: word of the week: inundated! The news has used it to bits
Point two: do u ever want to hit random annoying ppl on the head with... I dunno.... A fish!? Yes I'm talking to u... Driver who didn't let pedestrian cross as they soaked in the rain!
Point three: don't u reckon most anal ppl are emotionally constipated? Seriously! Do something crazy like not brush ur teeth after breakfast or don't button ur top all the way up! Or better yet, tell someone u love them! I dunno! Something crazy!

Ok.... The digressing Is over! I shall now reroute u to the less scarier parts of my mind! ...

I felt tension in the air today! Everyone seemed out of it! These stupid floods r crazy! Enough with the water! Let's change the number plate logos from the sunshine state to the flooded state! U no wat else? I am trying very hard to enjoy every minute if every day. It has made me very happy! Guess what else? I know way more than the average bear when it comes to Disney! I had to prepare Disney trivia, quotes and lines from songS today! It's very sad indeed! Well lots to do 2moro so gnite! 


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