Wicked and shopping day

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May 21st 2009
Published: May 21st 2009
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Hey all, two posts in two days, WOOOO!

So, i did end up going to Wicked the other night, and it was better then expectation! I got there an hour or so early, to get mt ticket and have a look around before the show. It turns out that i didnt need to be there that early, but i ended up meeting some pretty interesting people who were also seeing the show. There was a mother-daughter pair who were there to watch the show, and it turned out that the daughter had seen the same musicals as me (lion kind and spamalot) and in the same order. which i thought was pretty wild. we had a more proper pair of ladies sitting between us, so that prevented any talking after that.

The first half ended with my favorite song, Defying Gravity, and then i went and got the soundtrack cd and a booklet. i also got something called an Ozmopolitian, which is pretty much a green version of a cosmopolitian, with additional pineapple juice. It was soo good, and the stem of the glass lit up and change colours. which was pretty nifty. During the second half, these two good looking guys came up and asked if it would be ok if they sat in the seats in front of me and next to me (i was in the last row of the A division, and both were empty, so i said sure). It turns out that both the guys were actors in the production Avenue Q which was going to happen in aug just down the road. SO we were talking about things like that, and then we watched the second half, which was also great. he has also read the book the wizard of oz, so we were both laughing at things that people who had not read the book didnt get. i really want to read the book wicked, which the play is based off of, as well as one about the lesser evil step sister (both written by the same guy). I was just so excited to have great seats, meet awesome people, and watch an amazing show; it is actually the most popular broadway musical ever.

Today we (lauren, gregg, and i) went down to a place called the Victoria market, which ends at 2pm everyday. we wandered around, and i managed to get more yummy apples (this time royal gala, when a few days ago we had some pink ladies, which were delish!), and a belly dancing skirt (which are realllly expensive back home, and i just got a good deal on it). We split up so that gregg could get his skates sharpened, and lauren went looking for a bike. i ended up wandering around random pieces inside and outside of the city. i tried a blood orange, and had blood orange and raspberry gelato (i got a reusable bowl for it, so i might take that around with me or leave it here with lauren and gregg). I then went to little italy, little greece, and chinatown, and then wandered around some more. i was trying to find eurkia tower, where you can go into a glass box (and i have a cupon), but i ended up tiring myself out before i managed to get there, and just ended up coming back to lauren and greggs place. I think i'm going to sleep well tonight.

oh, and gregg hid the tim-tams, which are these amazing chocolate biscuits they have here (best in a tim-tam slam, which is where you bite opposing corners with a small nip, and then drunk it into preferrably hotchocolate, and as soon as the liquid hits your moutht that you shove the whole thing in your mouth, and its all yummy and gooey and melted). So, i feel pretty smart about that, even though it was competely by accident.

but yep, i should be able to get the first essay sent off to my prof tonight, and then get a good dent in at least the research portion of my second essay (i think i have almost enough sources to make a good essay, but am looking at just one more ebook before i start to write anything). Hopefully i can get it done pretty quick, and sent off soon.


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