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May 19th 2008
Published: May 19th 2008
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riiight its beena billion years since i wrote this thinga nd i cant really remember much but il have a go!

firstly, on the last night in the philippines there was an invasion of the 'hotel' by four-winged moths. as we were waiting around to get our bus there were literally 5 million zillion of them flapping about by all teh lights. and then they would fall on your head and your clothes and in your cup of tea and it was generally hideous. and then eric, our then tour guide, pointed out that they were not infact moths, but flying termites. i will take a moment here to point out (infact tasha pointed it out) that the entire hotel was made of wood(?) which i personally would find a little worrying. and then eric also told us, to our delight, that they only had wings for one day of their life, therefor when you attempted to pick the ten 'moths' off your face all you got was a handful of wing and three, two, one or no winged termites crawling down your neck.

and then we got on another bus, where conviniently a fat man with nasal problems (snorer) sat next to me. and he semed to think that because he was twice my size he was entitled to half my seat. and our bags got soaked because there was torrential rain and we turned up in manilla at 5am (never good) and were generally in a terrible mood.

we said good bye to bel, and headed off onto our flight to singapore. had a few problems getting out second connecting flight boarding card for adelaide, and had to use the internet to sort out our visas. however, this turned out to be excellent as they took us to the 1st class lounge, and then left us there for a while while they sorted out our ticket. seeing as we hadnt eaten all day, and were poor we decided to help ourselves to the free food and drink for the first class passangers. thankyou singapore airlines.

been in oz for about nearly three weeks now, and done a fair bit. spent a few days in adelaide which is pretty nice with quite good nightlife. then we picked upa wikid van (a dodgy looking transit van covered in lareg cartoon type characters with an engine that kept over heating) and set off for uluru. the journey took forever, ad we saw alot of desert and a few squashed kangaroos. we also stopped off in quite a few trucker type camp sites where we met a few characters. at teh campsite near uluru, after too many days of eating noodles we set out to find some alternative food, and found a mad bar where you bough teh meat and bbq's it yourself. autralians really do love a bbq. and i ate soem kangaroo, and 'crocodile' which i am convinced was chicken. after a look around uluru, whole being attacked by very persistant australian flies, we headed back to adelaide and then along to fairhaven, on the great ocean road to stay in a BEAUTIFUL house that my mothers friend allowed us into. (thanks gail) after a few days of enjoying the scenery i headed up to melbourne. pretty good city, quite similar to london and lots of good nightlife. we are gatting a train to sydney on wednesday morning and headind to an ice bar tomorrow night. exciting stuff xx


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