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October 20th 2007
Published: October 21st 2007
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We started our Saturday morning with a brisk walk to one of the shopping areas to have breakfast. Then we headed to Federation Square. We were able to enjoy some entertainment put on by a local guy. He really made us laugh. The pictures don't tell the whole story that is for sure---but maybe they will make you smile.
Also for smile enjoyment is a picture of a Christmas Tree decoration in progress----I think it is really different. They have been working on it since we got here. Hope they get it done before we leave for the US. (Remember only 65 days till Christmas😊 ).
We continued to look around Federation square and then hopped on to a Tram for some
visits to churchs. We visited St. Patricks but were unable to get in due to so many weddings going on. Steve got some good pictures including some of the flowers. The roses over here are very beautiful.
We then went to the Hard Rock Cafe. Yes Candi & Charlie I got you a shot glass. They told us that they were closing on Monday morning---so you got a collector's item.
We went by a "ice" cafe. That's right everything is made of ice. The furniture walls, the glasses you drink out of, etc.
It is a food locker. We had thought of going in-- but at $60.00 decided we had the brochure to look at and why freeze our buns off. ha ha
After five hours of riding walking etc we headed back to the hotel. We went our later and got to see a bunch of the night life. Steve forgot to take his camera----but we got to watch a Giant
Chess match. When I say giant----the pieces were 2 feet tall and they play it on a corner which has been made for chess.

Sunday morning started out with a great breakfast in a local place.
We then jumped on a tram and headed for another view of part of Melbourne. We went to St. Kilda. They have an open air market with over 200 individual outside tents. After looking at so many different things we walked down into the "food area". I have never seen so many bakeries in my life. There must have been one every three shops. They had such a variety of goodies it was unbelieveable. We finally broke down and had some apple strudel. It was sooooo good.
There was a street performer there that Steve took a picture of---he never spoke or moved. We rode the tram back to Federation Square and when to the art center and looked at the local's craft displays.
Again another set of street performers---they were funny. We walked down the river walk and around town a little more. Our visit here in Melbourne has been one of enjoyment.

We fly out at noon today (Monday) to Tasmina. Not sure how our internet connection will be. Will add to the blog in a few days hopefully.

Additional photos below
Photos: 32, Displayed: 23


St, KildaSt, Kilda
St, Kilda

Luna Park

22nd October 2007

Are you sure that is not dad in the Purple tight outfit? Just kidding looks like they had some pretty nice views. Hope you guys are enjoying yourselfs.
23rd October 2007

you gave me up you guessed it thats me

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