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August 23rd 2008
Published: August 23rd 2008
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Well, well, well! I have not completed a blog for sooooooo long I thought it was about time I let you all know what I am up to. I am still in fabulous Melbourne. After initally only planning to stay for a few weeks Lauren and I fell in love with this city and ended up staying for months! I am now working as a kindergarten teacher and looking into living here for a while...They do not make living here easy though and the visa application is currently taking up lots of my time! I hate paper work!!! I am also currently house hunting after living in hostels for the last 7 months!

Since my last blog I have been on the Great Ocean Road again with some German friends, met lots of new people at the hostel where I have been living, spent another week in Sydney and Darwin and had to say a very sad goodbye to Lauren who flew home on the 16th of July. Check out my pics. I hope everyone at home is well and enjoying the summer-it is still pretty cold here as Winter is just coming to an end. Looking forward to Spring v.much as apparently it can reach high 30's!!!

Sarah xxx

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