Footy, Falls, and Falafels

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June 9th 2006
Published: June 12th 2006
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On Saturday we went to an Australian rules football game woo. It's a crazy sport that aussies, especially in Melbourne and most of south Australia, live for. We went with the hostel on this group tour thing that included a briefing about the rules and lunch.
There were only about seven of us from the hostel that went but we had a guide that used to play so it was nice to be constantly informed about what was going on. I loved it but god it was soo freezing. Me and Mo were only wearing hoodies so we pulled them over our heads and scrunched the cord super tight so that only our eyes were peeking out. Fun times.
Sunday was go by-the-seat-of-our-pants day. We wandered aroudt the Italian district of the city for most of the afternoon, ate falafel pitas for lunch (our new obsession) and went to an indie cinema, Nova, to watch this australian film we had heard good things about. The theatre was carpeted in a plush purple, and had huge comfy seats for lounging in.
Today we went ona bus tour to Grampians National Park. We stopped at a wildlife park along the way and played with the kangaroos. One had a lil joey in her pouch and it was just peeking its head out and looking around at the world and us humans thinking 'whhhaat is going on?' We hiked around the national park for most of the afternoon and it was nice, but in december a huge forest fire had wiped out a ton of trees, so certain parts looked a bit depressing. But the falls were amazing! You know me...I'm always happy if I get to see a waterfall or too, and the Mckenzie falls were incredible (see corresponding pic). And, right after we left the park, we saw hundreds of wild kangaroos hopping around in this big meadow. One would start the hopping trend and a huge line would follow. I couldn't take a clear pic because the bus was moving but it was a hundred times better than just seeing one peeking through the fence at the zoo!
We only have one more day in Melbourne till we fly back home. I'm getting sad already 😞 This might be my last blog (insert another sad face here) because I've hit my fifty free picture limit for the site and what fun is a picture-less blog? Soo...Thanks for reading guys!


13th June 2006

Waaaaaaaaaaaaa no more blogs ??????
I don't care if their aren't any pictures, I like your's just like being there.....hope to see ya soon- this Sun. I 'll be in Carrollton. have a great flight sweet Jessie and 'Mo" - I'm sending angel energy to keep you floating lightly on the pink clouds of happy thoughts of your good times all the way back home to you, s.

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