DAy 2 Glenrowan Mon 18th October

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October 19th 2010
Published: October 19th 2010
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Total Distance: 0 miles / 0 kmMouse: 0,0

Additional maps: Untitled

Yes! I was up early, about 7.30am, to the sound of a diverse morning choirs. I ate fruit toast on the veranda of the cabin with binoculars and camera at hand. I couldn’t sit still long because of tracking down all the morning (bird) sightings. Came up with a list of 43 species in the grounds of the Glenrowan Tourist Park, and then added 11 more species for the day with a walk almost into Glenrowan after morning smoko.
The caravan park is in a very pleasant spot set in against the edge of the southern point of the Warby Ranges State Park. It’s quiet with no neighbours and fantastic views across (the railway and freeway at the bottom of the drive) the valley to the Alpine National Park. It’s only a 15min walk back into town where you can indulge your tourist needs for all things Ned Kelly!
After a lunch of homemade sausage rolls with bickie and cheese on the side, I decided it was time to head into Glenrowan and check out the Ned Kelly sights. Ten minutes later I was heading into Wangaratta to see what shopping joys they could offer me. Don’t get me wrong the self guided tour around the town was very good and informative but the tourist (traps) shops where not to my taste.
Wangaratta shopping strip was great! I stopped opposite the Info Centre, paid the local council parking fee and went to go into the info shop when a camping store caught my eye! Well about 15min later I walked out with maps, cloths and another sleeping bag sheet. These then got dumped in the car and I then made it back over to the info centre. It was good but I only bought a box of licorice (which is yummy). After walking both sides of the main street (and a side), browsing (only) in a couple of shops a got back to where I had packed the car and with a French Vanilla slice for arvo tea back at the cabin. But first I wanted to do a little shopping at the local supermarket that was the easy bit getting over to the petrol station across the duel road was another! After a little double backing and block work I finally got out of Wangaratta and back to the cabin in time for a late arvo tea in the afternoon light as you can see in the photo.
I finished the day with a photography session on the banks of the little stream the runs through the North West edge of the park. Two of the better shots are include in the entry.

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Photos: 13, Displayed: 13


20th October 2010

Way to go, sister!
Hi, Sam, it all looks very good: the birds, the bikkies, the scenery and the blog. Enjoy, and keep up the good work. B.

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