The desire to continue the adventure

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July 30th 2014
Saved: June 6th 2015
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Hitch hiking in FranceHitch hiking in FranceHitch hiking in France

The best adventure from Vienne to Marseille
When I booked my flight out of Australia in December last year, the thought of starting a travel blog certainly crossed my mind. But I decided against it. This decision was fuelled by my belief that my photographic memory combined with the convenience of my digital camera and a travel scrapbook of tickets and random memorabilia would be enough to suffice when the urge to relive my experiences arose.

This has proven to be accurate. But a week after returning to Australia after three and a half months in Europe I have learnt something very important about myself. In fact, this realisation came to me just one month into my adventure abroad and only continued to follow me ever since. This is, of course, that soon enough I will be traveling again. Soon.

So the reason I have began this travel blog is because I know there will be so many more memories, experiences and adventures that will be worthy of recording along the way. The travel bug is alive and well. My professional and personal life is steering me towards a life of being an unsettled, wandering, homeless gypsy. One who is an exceptionally happy person. And a suitably content teacher.

So I look forward to booking my next flight out of Australia and opening my world to a whole new series of adventures teaching English across the globe.

Until then, I shall keep the wanderlust alive by recording some of the highlights of my past three and a half months in Europe. All those moments that I tell in stories to my friends, those stories they don't really understand and experiences that make them think I'm crazy...but its those stories that make them see just how happy this wandering life makes me...

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