The Indian Pacific

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July 3rd 2006
Published: July 3rd 2006
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Greetings from Adelaide, the quiet acheiver (lonely planet) of Oz Cities.

Firstly I notice from my viewing stats that '83 Cobbold Road" my test entry back in February has higher stats than 'Where Eagles Dare' my skydive in Taupo, there is no justice on this earth! So if you haven't read about my Skydive then you know where to go, and beware the DVD!!

Anyways, I'm now in Adelaide which I reached on the world famous Indian Pacific Railway, got a pass.

Left the dissapointing hostel in Kings Cross and got on the train and set off at 3pm on Saturday, trundled up through the impressive Blue Mountains then down into darkness. Had a load of legroom and spent most of the evening playing a fun game with some pre-schoolers in my carrige, they find an object and throw it at my head, okay when it's a ball of paper, not so when it's a plastic doll, ouch! still kills the time.

Slept okay, then awoke at outbackish Broken Hill to be told by a guard that England are out of the World Cup, nevermind! more to life than football all that. Had a look around Broken
Indian PacificIndian PacificIndian Pacific

Fine carriges
Hill in the morning light, everything was closed but interesting outback town archetecture. Then set off again watching Kangaroos run from the train, someone saw an emu but I didn't. Finally at 3pm Sunday we arrived at Adelaide.

So been looking around Adelaide today, it's a somewhat underwhelming place but then that kind of makes it more likeable, it just doesn't feel like a city that boasts a population of well over a million. Been making big plans to see me around Australia and the rest of the trip, designed to keep me out until the end of the year (trip is due to finish as things stand in late September) but I think I'll be stretching that somehow.

If anyone wants to know why I'm in Adelaide for 4 nights it's to break my Sydney-Perth trip, could not face 3 straight days on the train, but reckon I will cope with 2 when I re-embark on Thursday night. Keen to get to Perth, see the must do's there then go on up the remote west coast.

At least there are no snakes in the city!

My notes on this blog by the way, have been described as more Clive James than Bill Bryson, can anyone explain the big difference? is it a good thing??


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