Adels Grove to King Fisher Camp

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June 18th 2013
Published: June 27th 2013
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first creek crossing
Todays journey from Adels Grove to King Fisher Camp took us through working cattle stations along the way, massive amounts of cattle and continual changes of landscape & scenery.

On arrival at King Fisher Camp, on the banks of the Nicholson River, time for a spot of fishing, Pete & Tim busting to try these gold bombers on a big barra. It didn't take Jane & myself long to work out, we weren't going to catch a fish here, the river was very pretty, and apparently quiet a few fresh water crocs in there as well, but we were warned that there could be the odd salty as well, no swimming for us.

Late afternoon, and we take a drive out to Goose Swamp, this is a huge wetland teaming with bird life and a dozen or so horses grazing quietly around the edge. After following the track to the swamp, we decide to walk along the edge of the swamp back to our cars, our voices alerted to horses to our presence and Pete gives them a whistle, and they come bolting over, Jane & I jumped through the fence, Pete & Tim decided to stay on the

Lawn Hill Gorge, our canoeing adventure started here
same side of the fence as the horses, Pete the horse whisperer, managed to get close enough to quietly pat them. Oh mym husband the horse whisperer!

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Water fall we canoed to, it was here we had to lift the canoes out of the water, carry them around a little bit and put it back into the water and continue canoeing to the next level

Tim & Jane

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