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May 23rd 2006
Published: June 7th 2006
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No fearNo fearNo fear

I was braving the rough sees at the front of the boat as the others holding to parts of the boat. I was loving it!
I finally left Cairns on Sunday and headed for the Whitsunday's. I met up with my friends Simon, Ben and Mike and we all booked onto the same boat to sail the Whitsunday islands. We purchased the cheapest package that was available and ended up on an interesting boat. The boat definitely was not a sailboat, it was a big steel vessel that looked like a fishing boat but had a mast on it. The crew were pretty special; the dive instructor looked like he was on his way to a rave and ever couple minutes would he would scream "I love transe music" and start dancing on the front of the boat. The first night on the boat the crew organized drinking games and I felt like I was back in my first week of Uni. After an exciting game of "never have a ever" in which the crew where making outlandish claims of there sexual exploits, the four of us formed a mutiny and headed to the front of the boat to do our own thing. We were quickly joined by other who disliked the atmosphere. To top it off one of the guys playing the game, who obviously
Our bunksOur bunksOur bunks

Mike sitting in our roomy bunks on the Tallorook III
was out of his league shit himself in the only bathroom on the boat, wicked! Then after the crew put him to bed he woke up my pissed on the flour of the boat where we were all sleeping! We nicknamed him "Shittypants". The first morning we got up before 7 eat breakfast and headed for the beach to do some snorkeling. The coral was amazing, there were so many different colour and it's so shallow that you can touch it even when snorkeling. There were also so many fish and so many different coloured fish. Some of the fish were eat the coral and could hear them biting it. I got to do an intro dive. I had never dived before and it was really strange when I first went underwater. One of the girls who was in my group panicked and she had to get take out of the water. We saw a fish that the crew called Elvis who was about as big as me and he came and swam beside us. During the dive we got really close to the coral and it's amazing how many variety there are. I really enjoyed the dive and I'm

Yes, I realize how stupid will look, but we're having fun and you're working so HA!
definitely going to get certified. I think I'm going to do it in Asia, but I'm not sure where. We did some more snorkeling after lunch at a different location that was equally as cool. The weather was great during the whole trip except for the first day when it was windy and a little rainy. I loved the wind, because it made the boat ride ruff and exciting. The second night was pretty much the same as the first expect "Shittypants" manage to keep it together. On the final morning we went to Whitehaven beach. The beach has amazing white sand and the view from above the beach is stunning. We sat on the beach and caught some sun before heading back to the boat and heading back to Airlie beach. The entire trip was great, the scenery was world class, the weather couldn't have been better and the food on the boat was better then anything I had cooked so far. The only complaint was the people on the boat, there were 19 guys most of whom were 18 and 6 girls and only 2 were single. It would not have mattered if they were cool, but then

The view from the lookout above white haven beach.
weren't. Oh well it give us hour of entertainment slagging them off. We spent a night in Airlie Beach drinking and found a cool pub to drink in. On Thursday we took the night bus to Hervey bay.

Additional photos below
Photos: 6, Displayed: 6


Whitehaven IIWhitehaven II
Whitehaven II

Mike, Simon, me and Ben at the look out
On the beachOn the beach
On the beach

Mike, Simon and me enjoying whitehaven's beautiful sand beach

7th June 2006

Sounds like getting a discount sail tour is like buying the private label peanut butter, you'll only do it once. - Happy Birthday by the way, hope it was fun. Judging by your spelling/grammar you must be at least 12 now? ... fucking engineers.
8th June 2006

Dear Sam Roberts, What have you done with Ian. Sounds like youre having an awesome time buddy. Have a 'roo burger for me.
9th June 2006

Tallarook the Third!!!!!
I can not even handle the fact that you were on that shit box of a boat. My friends and I were supposed to be on that antique and then the travel company messed us around, so we didn't end up on it. Which we were fairly glad about after we went and saw it, and that was 4 years ago, I can only imagine how shitty it is now. A friend of mine did end up on it and he seems to have had the same times you did, minus the shitty pants, so I think it must be Tallarook the Thirds thing. Sure makes you wonder what happened to numbers one and two.

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