The Wetsundays

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January 30th 2009
Published: February 18th 2009
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*WARNING: Very long blog entry coming now*

30/1/09 = Setting sail on the Apollo

Not really a good nights sleep and woke up at 6am to start getting ready for trip. Didn't have to leave until 8, but 9 girls sharing a room with 1 shower...didn't fancy my chances! I got a v.sleep shower and Hat got up early aswell to pack. We were all up by 6:30, checked packing, got changed, then had breakfast just after 7 = big bowl of museli to fill me up; don't know what food might be like on boat...not that I'm ever fussy! All ready, then set off for Tribal Travel just before 8. Had to trek down to shop just to leave our bags there because was free and hostel were charging $5 per locker...the things you'll do to save $5 when you are travelling. Did a v.dangerously slippy walk to shop (rubbish floor tiles) and couldn't help but feel disheartened about rain. Doesn't seem to have stopped and didn't look like was going to. Did not expect to have to bring rain mac on sailing trip. Only got worse when arrived at shop to find it closed. Lady was inside,
Pretty harbourPretty harbourPretty harbour

...+another effect discovered on camera.
but made sure she only opened at bang on 8 o'clock, even though she knew we were waiting in rain and were in a bit of a rush. Can understand not wanting to work any earlier than need to, but thought that was a bit harsh.

Quickly dumped bags in back room, then did a tip-toe run back to hostel...these shiny tiled floors could not be made of anything worse when raining. Met Dingo Man who walked with us to boat area because he knew where it was. He was sailing on a boat called 'The Card'. Nobody had ever heard of it before and apparently only had 10people on it. Spent most of the journey taking the mick out of what poor rubber dinghy boat he was going to end up in....that came back to bite us on the...bum...later! Rained for the whole of the 10min walk to the boat and had to wear rain mac and hood all the way....really worrying about this weather situation now. Said bye to Dingo man as he stopped for his boat, then we carried on to ours, still laughing about him being trapped on The Card. Arrived at our station to find lots of people waiting (mostly girls) and got really excited when a crew lady shouted us up to get our stinger suits. All had to have a stinger suit - cost $20 - or not allowed in water because of all jellyfish. Got even more excited when started to walk to boat and caught first glimpse of it. Looked really nice and got to be better than the rubber dinghy 'The Card'. Things just got better and better when looked up at the man who had started talking to us = captain. Not the Captain Birdseye I had least half his age and v.good looking 😊

Clambered aboard, dumped our 30cans of beer (no goon for me...v.sensible now and finally learnt my lesson), then went downstairs to claim a bed. Couldn't believe how small it was downstairs...surely not big enough for 30people. Kitchen was the size of an average kitchen cupboard and beds were even smaller. Gutted when realised that we were at back of queue and one of only beds left = a double. Me and Deb had to take the 'double' and Hat had a single. That bed had never even seen the word double and calling it such was definitely false advertisement. Not to mention the fact that it was positioned right in between the cupboard kitchen and box toilet - great! Dumped bags on it (which, by the way, would only just fit) and didn't dwell on it too long before started chatting to people around us. Was a nice couple from England on the top bunk above us. Couldn't help looking at the guy and wondering how on earth he was going to fit in the bed...especially with his girlfriend too. Must have been at least 6ft... good luck! Just chatting, when Carl (chef) stopped us all and gave us a quick talk about life on the boat. He talked for around 10mins, but this is all that I heard and I switched off after that:

"Right guys, we are short of water on the boat, which means we are all limited to water. You are allowed a 60second shower each day and no more. Make sure you keep to that. You'll find the shower pipe connected to the tap in the tiolet...enjoy".

My translation of his speech goes something like this:

"Right then ladies, I know nobody told you this, but we don't have a shower on board, we just have a 30cm hosepipe attached to a tap that goes over the toilet. Bringing your whole toiletery bag was a complete and utter waste of time because you obviously won't be getting showered in the next 3 days, since 60seconds is not even long enough to take the top off your average shampoo bottle! Deal with it. "

Say no more...another thing not to dwell on. Went up on board after Carl's speech so that captain could repeat exact same speech all over again. Good job he was good looking; was only thing that distracted me from shower message again! Was just coming back to earth as captain added a new section to his speech = weather. Rain...for all of next 3 days! Not happy 😞 How can we sail around tropical islands in rain? It didn't stop there either. Also said wind was going to be really strong for next 3 days = rough and wet sailing. Talk about kick a dog when it's down. He concluded his uplifting message by recommending us to all tuck our things under our beds (rough sailing = belongings all over floor) and get a rain mac on for journey. Great. Did just that, then came back on to top deck praying for some miracle weather.

Was steady sailing out of harbour at first and even saw The Card go out (not a rubber dinghy by the way; actually looked quite good). Then first mate put sails up and captain told us we all had to move to one side of boat, because were going to tip up to around a 45degree angle. Got v.exciting. All sat on left side dangling our legs over edge and boat started flying through the water. Legs were getting a little wet from spray of sea - which we found quite funny - but as got further out to sea and boat got faster, we started getting wet through. At some points, felt like someone was standing in front of us and just throwing buckets of water in our faces. Had a job on just to breath air and not water! Was all really funny at first, but after an hour of water + wind, we all strated to get really cold. 2 hours later, when pulled in to the Hayman Island, were

Wow...don't miss those!
numb with cold and wet. Nearly laughed out loud when captain turned to us all and suggested snorkelling. Couldn't think of anything would like to do less. Were already wet through and freezing to core; getting into more cold water and prolonging feeling was in no way appealing!Captain was v.clever though and fed us all first. Had a great and big lunch of potato salas, pasta and sandwiches and was all beautiful. Full belly always cheers me up 😊 Thought of snorkelling not so proposterous now and even excited at thought of scube diving (even though had some bad dreams about being eaten by a shark whilst down there).

Ate lunch, signed consent form for diving, then scraped stingersuits on, which were in no way attractive or flattering. First mate took us over to Blue Pearl Bay and was then that noticed how attractive he was. Never thought I'd say this, but he actually looked a bit like Brad Pitt...not as good looking obviously, but definitely better than your average guy. Well, if all else fails, at least there is something good to look at 😉Jumped out of boat and hobbled onto beach of stones and rocks that were incredibly painful to walk on. Had to sit straight down to avoid pain. Had some time to explore because we were group two to dive, so me and Hat went off for a snorkel. V.disappointed when got in water because was such poor visibility. Rain and wind had churned up all seabad and made it really hard to see anything; don't know what diving will be like? Did manage to see some really cool fish though and coral was pretty. Not what I had in mind for Great Barrier Reef, but on such a rubbish day, suppose I couldn't expect anymore. Number of jellyfish definitely made it worse too. Stingersuit covered all body, but face and hands were exposed...started to panic about getting stung there and went back in after 10mins.

Waited for a few mins, then dive man called us over for our turn. Group 1 helped us put our gear on and was suprised that I actually remembered alot of it from Thaliand. Dive man asked if any of us had dived before and was v.unimpressed when I mentioned Thailand. Said it was v.unsafe there and I was lucky to make it back in one piece. Found
An island?An island?An island?

Don't know what island it was...but was only thing saw for next few days!
this v.funny, since he didn't even check our equipment and in fact did no saftey checks on us at all. He v.quickly talked us through procedure (much quicker than they did in Thailand) and gave us some quick demonstrations that we practised (again, much less than did in Thailand). To be honest, felt much less safe on this dive. He went down under water and left us all on top before we realised that he wanted us to go underwater too. I didn't find it that hard to get down on my knees, but some of others did and Deb found it really tough. But, he hadn't even explained that to us and I was only alright because I had remembered from Thailand. He v.quickly rushed through some checks, then we started to move. Was hard to see anything with rubbish visibility, but looked around me and really couldn't see anyone. Looked up and noticed both Hat and Deb up on surface & dive man with them. Only me and another guy underwater. Started to get a bit paniced, but managed to calm self down. Sat on seabed for what felt like a lifetime, then strained to see Deb and Hat swimming back to beach. Got really panicked now. If they were going back, maybe I should too?

Debated going back to beach for a few seconds, but then dive man came back and I made myself carry on. Poor visibility made it even more scary than usual and stuck to diveman like glue. Anytime he went even more than a metre away from me, I went too. Saw some really cool coral down there and had loads of fish swimming around us. Ears popped as usual. Just starting to enjoy it when saw the main guy they all call Mick Jagger. Mick Jagger = giant, black fish who lives in Blue Pearl Bay and all divers know him. Couldn't get over how big he was...must have been at least half the size of me. Diverman started to stroke him and tried to get him to do tricks; was brilliant. Had to stroke him even though he was a little scary. Was slimy to touch, but totally brilliant and made dive all worth while.

Carried on and saw more beautiful fish and coral. Started to relax in to it and got a bit cocky as looking around. Looked up and dive man was nowhere to be seen. Swam like mad for a few seconds and found him again...this visbility = really not good for diving. Was another good experience, but glad to be going back in to shore after 15mins. Found Deb and Hat sitting on beach waiting. Turns out that Deb just couldn't get her breathing right and Hat felt really claustrophobic. Never mind, at least both tried it. Went out together for a snorkel then and Deb wanted to find the clown fish. On way, swam through a big shoal of lots of different fish. Got really excited. Excitement stopped when saw big jellyfish among them. Changed direction and swam straight back to shore; jellyfish do ruin it a bit here.

Clambered onto stone beach and plonked selves down. Never seen a beach like it. Not a sandy beach and not made of pebbles either...made of big stones that definitley look like bones. Not comfortable. Started to get cold and really wanted to get back on boat, but first mate was busy helping with diving, so had to sit in cold and wait. So happy when he did finally take us back and couldn't have
Getting ready for the liftGetting ready for the liftGetting ready for the lift

Takes both mental and pyhsical preparation.
arrived to a better sight....tea and cakes all laid out on deck below...brilliant...perfect! Got straight to front of queue, had lovely to tea to warm us uo and beautiful cake to help tea go down better, Was so cold, but tea and cake just made everything better. Go so carried away with it all, that by end, had drunk 2 cups of tea and eaten 4 pieces of cake....greedy...but so good 😊

Was nearly 5'oclock when finished tea and cake and even though still sitting in wet, felt instantly better after it. Wanted to get warm clothes on, but no point, because had to do more sailing to find a calm space to park for night (not sure if that's what it's called for a boat?) Got yellow macs on yet again and climbed back on top deck to get wet yet again. Didn't take long to sail around corner of another island, but did get wet again; can't remember what it feels like to be dry anymore. Got so excited when we arrived and put anchor down...really just wanted to put some dry clothes on. Got changed, but had to keep same wet bikini on because had to sit on top deck, which was still wet. Not good. Didn't have long to think about it though, was dinnertime already. Couldn't believe it. Only 2 hours since eaten all cake; but knew I would make room for dinner. All ladies headed downstairs (ladies first - brilliant rule) and was really impressed to see cook had made a lovely looking beef stroganoff and rice. Wasn't all that hungry, but still teamed loads on my plate, enough for guys behind me to laugh and say the famous quoted line "You'll never eat all that". They obviously didn't know me. Must admit, had been greedy and had to squash last bit of dinner in, but did manage to clear plate. Result was greeted with all too familiar shock...and a little disbelief. Never be fooled by someones size...especially someone greedy like me 😊

Was time to chill out then and already starting to get dark outside. Had a few beers and chatted some more to English couple: Charlotte and Chris. Spent whole night chatting and playing puzzles and only managed to squeeze 2 of the 30 beers in...just too full of food. Everybody started to form groups and some were getting quite drunk. Was suprised (and disappointed) at how seperate crew sat. They sat at own end of boat and never came to talk to any of us. But wierd I thought...maybe was a bit like Patrick Swayze in Dirty Dancing and not allowed to talk/mingle with guests? Hat and English couple went off to bed at 10, me and Deb stayed up chatting to New Zealand guys for a while. We headed to bed at 11 and suprised to see how many people in bed already. Hard days sailing worn us all out!

Got wash (made sure was within 60secs) then headed to bed. Was only as tried to get in it that realised how truly small it was. Couldn't crawl into it because it wasn't deep enough and ended up having to do a James Bond roll just to get in. Then when got in, couldn't even lay down straight because bed wasn't long enough. Poor Deb had to sleep with knees up. Was more like a coffin than a fact, it was worse than a coffin, because at least you can lay down straight in a coffin! Laughed about it for a while, then went to sleep
Proved too much for Hat.Proved too much for Hat.Proved too much for Hat.

She's just not as familiar with the Gemma lift!
actually dry and quite warm...😊

31/1/09 = Definitely should be renamed the Wetsundays

Woke really early and incredibly hot. Opened eyes and found source of problem = cook already up, making breakfast right next to my face. Was only 6:30; sleeping next to kitchen = not good. Couldn't get back to sleep, so just rested eyes for a while until Deb woke up at 7 and we both went up to top deck of boat to cool down. Was a lovely morning and really nice to see water so calm. Good breeze too and soon cooled down. Everyone seemed to get up at 7:30 - the heat drove them out- so breakfast was served. Followed the brilliant rule of ladies first again and got to front of queue for big bowl of museli and fruit juice. Lovely breakfast, although ended up wearing most of it on my face. Had to eat on top deck, so every time wind picked up, it also picked up all contents of spoon and delivered it to my cheeks instead of my mouth...thank you wind! Ate cereal, then fruit, then bread and jam, then cup of tea...glad there are no weighing
The Lift!The Lift!The Lift!

As good as it gets
scales on this trip.

Chilled on top deck for a while...a little too long. Looked round and noticed boat was moving and everyone dressed but me. Scuttled off and got ready. Put my lovely wet clothes on from day before...urgh, and got the usual yellow mack out. By time got back to top deck, had got into sail a little more and water much rougher. Slumped on side of boat and within 5 mins, was completely drenched again. This weather = a joke. Were sailing like this for quite a while until pulled up in front of an island. Didn't know what was happening, then captain walked over and delivered the devastating news. We couldn't sail to Whitehaven Beach = main reason people come out to Whitsundays Islands and supposed to be one of best beaches in world. He followed up the statement by telling us that the weather was too bad, it would take us 5hrs hard sailing to get to it if we were lucky and then would have to spend another 3 hrs sailing back; it was just too rough. We were all silent and utterly devestated. He tried to cheer us up and make it not sound as bad, but we just sat in silence. In the end he gave up and told us we were at Stone Haven island and this was the stop for snorkelling. Suggesting snorkelling was like adding insult to injury. Really didn't want to get in cold water, but forced ourselves to...this is what we came for...just not with the cold and rain, that's all.

Got into sexy stinger suit again (really hate these things) then got speedboat across to Maureens Cove (Stone Haven). Risked taking cameras across this time, which was a big risk because even got wet on boat. Scrambled out onto yet another beach made out of stones/bones and dumped our things down. Was so cold, decided to get straight in water. Disappointed when gpt in because was even more murky than yesterday and visibility = shocking. Didn't see any fish at all in shallow, so had to head out further to some rocks. Not to happy about it because only a few of us in water today and started to feel a little anxious...a shark could be right next to me in this water and wouldn't see it! Carried on though and persevered until we
Us ladies and the Dingo ManUs ladies and the Dingo ManUs ladies and the Dingo Man

A mix of hot, sweaty, but mostly just pure wet from rain.
got right out to rocks. What a waste of time it turned out to be. 1) It started to rain. 2) Didn't see one fish...not one measley fish! Saw way too many jellyfish though and all ended up getting a bit freaked out. Clambered onto a giant rock and waved for Brad (v.attractive first mate) to come and save us. He took us back over to bone beach and we tried to chill out there for a while, although chilling out in freezing cold weather while trapped in a skintight wetsuit = not all that easy. Didn't take long before the flies came....the awful, awful sandflies. Laughed at Deb as she furiously tried to whack one with her flipper, but then it came over to me and I ended up flopping over floor and rolling around on my back like a baby to try and get rid of it. It must have been a particularly evil fly, because the more we batted it away, the more determined it became to land on us. It had it's turn with me, then tried Hat. She took a different approach and simply dived into a pool of water next to us. You would
O.k. ...few drinks hereO.k. ...few drinks hereO.k. ...few drinks here

Can't blame it all on the rain.
think that that would have done it, but even withstood that. It was waiting for her above water and as soon as she came up, it went straight for her face. What's the deal with these flies? After minutes of Deb whacking, me roliing and Hat diving, the awful sandfly finally went away and we rolled about laughing. Nobody could have predicted what came next....Got ready to take a photograph and the unbelievable fly came back. We had to repeat the same process all over again...and we actually all did react in the same way again. It didn't work this time; no amount of whacking, rolling or diving could get rid of him. I eventually ended up getting up and running + whacking and Deb also changed her approach to silently stalking the fly. It worked. Fly landed, she splatted him. Alas!

Got camera out for photo again and the unthinkable happened....another fly! That was as much as any of us could take and we all changed tactics and ran staright into sea. I even dived in headfirst (which Hat thought was v.funny). Need to get off this island! Waited until he had gone, finally got 'The Lift'
The coffinThe coffinThe coffin

Perfected the James Bond roll in this bad boy.
shot we had been waited for, then waved furiously for Brad to come and pick us up. Jumped into boat and started dreaming of lovely cup of tea and cake (sorry, cakes) that were waiting for us...yum. Pulled suit off and ran downstairs only to see that lunch was being set sign of tea or cake anywhere. Oh no 😞 Lunch looked really good, but when you've risked your life fighing off creatures like we have, you really need a brew! Was a nice lunch. Had a good selection of meats for sandwiches + a nice rice and pasta dish. Had the usual large amount and sat back to let belly adjust. Was just restoring my breathing when boat started to move and onto next place. Had to get macs back on and prepare for yet another soaking. Got even more cold, even more wet and even more rained on...don't think have ever spent this much time being wet! One by one, people started to move out of rain and onto lower deck. Was quite calm sailing, but captain told us he was going to put sails up again, so me, Deb and Charlotte decided to wait up on
The Rainmacs...our daily wear.The Rainmacs...our daily wear.The Rainmacs...our daily wear.

Where would we be without them?....ehm...even more wet?
top deck. 10mins later, nearly everybody but us was downstairs...they'll all have to come up soon when sails get put up. 90mins later, we were still sat clutching to rail, wet through in pouring rain, when boat stopped and anchored. We all turned to captain to see what was happening, but he just said we were stopping to snorkel. So, let me get this right...we've just sat in throwing down, freezing cold rain for 2 hours for no reason at all. Yep. Could not believe it and was so mad at captain. Kick a dog when it's down...we clunked downstairs in dripping macs to find everyone else tucked up in toastie bed having a snooze. You've got to be kidding. They'd all had an hours sleep while we had sat in rain like idiots. No longer like captain!

Captain popped his not so nice head downstairs and told everybody was time to snorkel. Ha! I said a straight up no and clambered into coffin to try and get warm; no way was getting in that sea. Only 4 people got out of their warmed up beds to get in sea and Deb and Hat were 2 of them. Me and Charlotte decided to get on motorboat too, but only to take pictures of boat. As soon as got pictures, got straight back into coffin and tried to warm up. So happy that cook boiling kettle = lovely heat. Just starting to warm up when girls came back; had only been 2mins. Turned out that Deb had been stung by something on fingers and although she was o.k., freaked them both out a bit, so they got out. Was a good thing anyway, sooner people got out of water, sooner tea and cake was served. Sure enough, 5mins later, tea and cake was on table. Yum! Had big cup of tea and several cakes again...I looovve the cake! Warmed me straight through and even had another 30mins to get warm in bed...such a treat 😊 Got to admit I was v.disapointed when had to get back on top deck ready for sailing again. Mac on again, legs dangling over side of boat again, rain again, cold all over again, sea water splashing allover body again...really not the tropical island boat trip advertised in brochure.

Was smooth sailing at first, but as turned corner, wind got stonger. Sea got rougher and rain was ridiculous. Was so bad that captain had to wear a snorkel mask just so he could open his eyes to steer. V.funny! Sails went up and sailing just got even better. Boat tipped nearly vertical and we flew through water. Didn't notice cold and wet as much then, because was such a great feeling to move through water like that. Didn't last all journey though. Weather proved too much for boat and Brad had to take front sail down. The wind was too strong and pulling the right side of the boat too deep into the water. He took the sail down and the tilt wasn't as bad then; still good sailing. Took quite a while before we got to last destination = South Mole Island. Didn't think weather could get any worse, but last part of journey proved us wrong. Rain got so bad it was quite painful and wind so strong I spent most of my time in the brace position. Crazy weather. When did pop my head up, couldn't see anything around us. Fog and mist was layered everywhere and could barely make out islands that were right next to us...hope capatins' snorkel mask has some kind of special x-fog vision.

V.happy when slowed down and finally arrived at South Mole Island. All trudged downstairs out of rain, removed macs and tried to get warm. Was surprised and eternally grateful to see big pots of tea. Love you chef! Even more surprised to see pans full of dinner being cooked. Spent last 2 hours nearly vertical in water and somehow, chef still managed to cook dinner?!? Our belongings were all over floor because sail was so rough, but he had still managed to boil water and cook vegetables and meat. Bizarre. Got changed out of gross wet clothes and into some lovely dry clothes; so pleased no more sailing today. By time got changed, dinner was ready. Not really the best dinner for me, because was like a Sunday dinner, but still ate a good amount of steak and some veg. Bit of a nightmare trying to eat though. Couldn't go on top deck because rain so heavy, so 30 of us tried to squash onto 2 sofas...not happening. Me and Deb perched on the coffin instead.

Soon got v.v.vhot below, with way too many bodies and lots of hot food. Couldn't open hatches because rain too strong, so all ended up desperately fanning oursleves. Captain told us plan for evening = all head over to island. Apparently lots of boats there having a drink in bar, so should be good night. Problem = power out on island because of weather, so pitch black + had to get motor boat across to island = wet through again. The second reason did it for me. Everyone else wanted to get off boat and go over to isalnd just to get out of heat, but me and Deb couldn't face wet and cold again, so decided to stay on board. Only 2 staying. Got our yellow macs on and did beer run up to top deck. Took 30secs, but got absolutley soaked in process. Didn't help that Brad kept passing us leftover food to throw over side. Finally came down cold and wet again, but was worth it for beer. Still got 23 left to drink...going to be a busy night.

Chilled drinking beer and everyone got ready to go. Looked around us and everyone was going. Took quite al lot of decideding, but finally made ourselves go our lovely, wam and dry clothes. Got mac on and got on last boat over, risking camera again. Rain just seemed to be getting heavier and was so wet that really worried about camera. Had to huddle over it for whole journey across, leaving bum exposed to get drenched by sea spray and rain (didn't at all feel like a BD). When did get to island, it was pitch black and couldn't see anything. Had to climb up slippy steps and get onto an even more slippy pier that led to bar. Everyone from previous boats was waiting there and good job they had torches, because was only form of light. Journey to bar was pretty scary. Pier floor was unbelievably slippy and was really worried about slipping over into sea. Had to follow person in front because they had only light and walked through some v.questionnable and giant puddles of water (glad couldn't see colour of them!) to arrive at the bar of no light. Music was really loud and looked like a scene from the film Blade, with everyone shouting and dancing around on tables...definitely should have drunk more than one beer before coming here. Dumped macs on table and headed straight to bar. Bar tenders more crazy than customers and spent most of their time throwing water over people or spraying them with beer...not good for the camera. Got a jug of beer to share and watched everyone in amazement while drinking it. Dancing, drinking, fighting...just a normal night I suppose?

Couldn't believe it when saw Dingo man making his way over to us. Was really good to see him, until he started telling us about his boat. Turns out, he had done everything we had wanted to do...including sailing to Whitehaven Beach on the day we were supposed to go. His crew were amazing and all in bar getting drunk, while our Captain and First Mate were staying back on boat. The more he told us, the more gutted we were. Appollo = rubbish boat, The Card = winning boat. Couldn't believe it, especially after how much we had made fun of him. Definitley karma. He was loving telling us all about it and hearing about our rubbish trip. In end, had to stop listening to him and get another jug...maybe that's why people end up so drunk here...all listen to Dingoman's stories! Talked, laughed and danced for rest of night and had a really good time, apart from learning about how rubbish our boat was, oh, and also apart from terrible toilet. Toilet experience:
1)Was pitch black and had to use camera light just to find it.
2)Floor was wet through, don't want to know what with.
3)Toilet door didn't lock, so just had to cross fingers
4)Was raining inside toilet, so got wet while hovering
5)Walked into 2 guys weeing in communal area of toilet as walked out...had hoped that the floor was wet with rain...clearly not!
6)Had to go to toilet 3 times that night....not good 😞

Pick up was at 11:30 and lots of people were leaving at that time. Got rain macs on and followed cook, with flash light, back to pier.Trudged back through the awful puddles and was so deep that it broke my flip flops twice; had to walk bare foot in end...didn't think about what was walking through. Hobbled for remaining journey (saw plenty of frogs) and slipped along pier. So glad that boat already there waiting for us. Managed to weasel way into first boat and prepared self in brace position. Still raining really heavily and couldn't wait to get back in coffin. Practically ran down hatch, threw dry pyjamas on and got straight into the coff. Had big drink of water and fell asleep before everyone else even got back 😊

1/2/09 = Rain + cyclone = not good for sailing 😞

Rained all night and woke up loads of times to waves crashing against boat. Everytime a wave hit, it made a giant thud sound. It even woke me up and I'm a deep sleeper when I've been drinking. When woke up properly, was absolutely boiling and shattered from all waking up in night. Hatches were open and rain was coming down on me, but was a welcome relief from incredible heat of boat. Tried to snooze for a little longer, but cook woke up at 7 and everyone else started waking up too...must have been the heat. Also lots of emergency weather warning coming in across radio = another thing right near our bed! None of us could go up on deck to get some air, because rain was still hammering away. Cook even closed the main hatch, which I was v.disappointed with. When started chatting to everyone, found out how scared everyone had been in night at sound of waves. Everyone had thought we were going to sink. Poor Hat was so worried that she got out of bed and woke captain up to ask if we were going to be o.k. - ha! Bless her. Deb was mystified with the whole conversation - she didn't even wake up once! Although we are talking about the same girl who slept through an Earthquake!Breakfast got served at 8am and was v.happy to find a full on fry up waiting for us. Got plenty of bacon, eggs and beans and went down beautifully. Well done chef!

After breakfast, captain gave us some options for the day:
1) Stay in same spot, on anchor all day (can go across to Mole Island again). OR
2) Go home early, i.e. now.
These were only 2 options because cyclone warning been issued, so sea = unsailable. Bet The Card was still sailing. Nobody wanted to sit about on hot, sweaty and rocky boat all morning, so majority voted to go home early = v.disappointing. Started to pack up our things ready to end trip early. 😞 Got the yellow macs on again for the last time, then headed up to rainy top deck again. Rain had actually slowed a little and water looked alot calmer...maybe the calm before the storm? Sat on deck talking and chilling for a while, then sails went up, so all sat on sides again, legs dangling. Was a good sail home, but everyone a bit fed up...there's only so much rain a human can take. As sailing got smoother. people started to head downstairs and we weren't far behind them. When we could see signs of land at 11am, we headed down and did our last bit of packing too. Such a shame. Although has been rubbish to be so wet and cold, would rather have finished trip than come back early 😞

Docked at 11:30. Collected all our things (including 20 beers not drunk), put back the old yellow mac and replaced it with our own trusty mack (still raining outside), thenstepped off boat and onto dry(ish) land. Was wierd to shake hands with captain and Brad, since hardly said 2 words to them on trip. They really were a wierd crew. Tottled off in rain desperate to get back to hostel, get a lovely shower and get in bed. Wish weren't staying in the worst hostel ever, but even Magnums is appealing when you haven't showered or slept properly for 3 days. Too cold and wet to talk on way back and devestated that couldn't even go straight to hostel, had to trek down to Tribal Travel to pick up big backpacks...really should have just paid the $5 storage at Magnums! Dropped little bags, traipsed down to get big bags, then dragged our way back to hostel. Threw all smelly clothes into a bag and got shpwer. Wish could say shower was good, but was so bad that it visibly removed skin and constantly fluctuated between freezing and inbetween temperature didn't exist!

Even though shower was rubbish, felt miles better afetr it. All wanted to do was climb into bed and sllep, but was only just after midday. Didn't let myself lay down and all wondered back to Tribal to use free internet. Really fancied a milkshake so called in the dreaded McDonalds on the way...desperate times, desperate measures. They are the devil company, but can't deny the tastiness of those milkshakes! Girls got soem food and we all sat and chatted for a while before heading to internet. Not really in mood for writing when did get to Tribal, but ended uip spending hours there and actually got loads done = great 😊 Before knew it, was 6 o'clock and was walking back to hostel on own because girls already gone back. Deb was reading when I got back and Hat having one of the 20 beers we had left. Made the fatal mistake of laying on my bed...and that's where the rest of the evening went. Tried to stay awake because Hat wanted to go for our boat night out at 7:30. Even tried writing in diary to keep me awake, but didn't work. Pushed diary aside and straight to sleep. Knew I couldn't sleep all night because a friend was ringing at 9:30 (that's you Gem) so got Deb to wake me up at 8:30. An hour later, when she did wake me up at 8:30, Hat had gone out for boat meal, but Deb had stayed in also too tired. Gem was ringing on Hat's phone, so tried to stay awake and wait for her...lasted all of 5mins and was straight off back to sleep again...fully clothed and unwashed. This time, didn't wake up again...that was me done.


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