Thwarted again!

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March 17th 2008
Published: March 17th 2008
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Some mysterious force is working against all my plans to do marine things. First off my plan to dive the Mikhail Lermontov was kyboshed by a fractured rib. Then the attempt to go kayaking in Milford Sound sank without trace because they'd run out of kayaks. A second attempt at kayaking in the Whitsunday Islands was blown away by high winds. Finally, the same winds have conspired to make tomorrow's planned dive on the SS Yongala impossible.

I'll have another go at diving from Cairns, otherwise it looks like my next foray into the underwater world will be in East Timor.

Meanwhile, I've had a lovely day hiking round Magnetic Island on the hunt for koalas and wallabies. The wallabies remained elusive, but you'll find a couple of photos of a monumentally lazy koala in my newly-uploaded Queensland photo album.

My next attempt to do something at the wrong time of year in Australia comes next week, when I'm booked to join a two day safari in the Kakadu National Park. Anyone worried about me being shot in Timor can now start worrying about me being swept to a chewy death in a flooded crocodile-infested river instead...


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