The road to the Theme parks...

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February 17th 2009
Published: February 17th 2009
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So, Next on our hit list was a place called Ballina, Only good thing we really have to say about it was that it's the same name as an Irish town,(Oh and the fact that it houses about 6 billion ants, and they all happened to live in the camp site we camped in....Typical).

So after a very short stay there we headed up to Beautiful Byron Bay.. This is one of the towns where the Australian Hippie movement began, and it's right on the sea, so as you can probably tell there was lots of surfers, Lots of young people which we were happy about, and lots of stoners.... We we're camped right in the middle of the town in a small enough campsite which backed onto the beach. In the site next to us we met 2 lads from Melbourne, Phil and Heath, these guys were great crack and we had 2 really good days here, and 2 pretty good nights too. As we got talking I mentioned we played in a Pipe band and sure enough, Phil's best friend just happened to be the son of Harry Gillespie ( for those of you who don't know him, He was the Lead drummer of the great Vic Police when they won the worlds in 1998) Small world.. Funny enough Heath happened to be a dead ringer both personality wise and looks wise for non other than Alan Bromell... You can just imagine the crack we had with him.... (we were sleeping one of the nights at 3am when we heard him walking into the campsite on his own and he started shouting and singing and calling our names around the site...very Alan Bromell!!).
Just like in Ballina but not nearly as bad, we had ant hills on our camp site.. So shell got out the Mortein (cockroche killer) and started spraying like a lunatic.. Later that night we were having a BBQ when the security man called by. As with the rest of the town he was a bit of a hippie, when we told him in conversation about Shells murderous escapades with the ants he nearly had a freak attack... He was going mad saying " What did the ants ever do on you" and "Do you not know where the hell you are.. They don't even use deoderant here never mind poison themselves with the fumes from ant killer" and he walked off in a huff.... !!! very funny!

Next stop was Surfers which is where we are now.. We've been here now for about a week and a half, and we're having a ball. When we arrived we met Vinny (one of my best mates) and stayed in his house for a few nights, Fisrt day here and we went to Wet n' Wild the water park.. Since then We've been to Sea World, Movie World, Dream World and White Water World( See photos of all the rides, especially the Superman at Movie World... Brill) .... I've never had so much fun in 2 weeks...After staying a few days in Vinny's we decided to treat ourselves so we booked into a lovely apartment on the 14th floor of a high rise apartment block overlooking the sea at main beach, and the city of Surfers... (Fantastic Views)..

Last week we headed off to Stradbrooke Island for the weekend with Vinny, Aine, Their house mates Baz and Lisa and their Friends Jason and Saundra, It had been beautiful weather for 2 weeks before we left, and the day before, It pissed and continued to piss on the Saturday, So instead of camping (which is what was supposed to happen) we all rented a house for one night..(but not just any old house....OH no, again like so many places we've been before on this trip, it was infested with ants).. but i 'm sure you can imagine the session we had anyway... Next day we went 4WDing on the beach, that was pretty cool, and then we went swimming in a eucalyptus lake..... Very soothing indeed, Especially for the hangovers..

Tonight is our last night in Surfers, so we're going to a Dracula Cabaret, which is supposed to be the best show on the gold coast, we're both really excited about it..

Tomorrow we head for Brisbane to meet up with some friends..

Photo's are being added as I type... (will be up on our last entry)



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