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Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Noosa
September 16th 2008
Published: October 5th 2008
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En route to Noosa our bus driver stopped off at the, "Wild Horse Lookout". What felt like a massive trek up a 60 degree incline took us up to a look out over a massive mountain range. The views were amazing, the look out historically was used to spot forest fires throughout the countryside.

We stayed in the Noosa YHA which was a really cute hostel. Noosa was lovely, quiet and beautiful. I seriously considered signing up for job in the hostel and staying there for a month. It was lovely to relax for a bit - since we had been boozing every night since we arrived in Australia.
Noosa has a massive National park with loads of different walking routes. we choose the coastal route so that we could keep close to the sea. The views were just breathtaking. Having walked the entire route we sat down on the cliff edge and looked out on the sea. Suddenly we spotted a school of Dolphins - which pretty much sealed it for me.

Noosa does not have ANY night life - which my liver welcomed. Leyla and I went for a couple of romantic meals

and toasted the trip with a couple of glasses of champagne - not typical back-packer behaviour.

On the second day in Noosa we head off to the Steve Irwin zoo and visited all the crocodiles. I really liked the section called, "Roo Heave". Which was a open pen with Kangaroos jumping around - cute! I found it quite errie because every where you went there were videos of Steve Irwin talking to you...

I should mention our roomie - who was nothing short of odd. No matter what we did she would not talk to us. I don't think she liked the look of us... On the last day Leyla made a point of talking to her and forcing her to speak. She then emerged from them rooms of people that had checked out and had picked up a load of stuff that people had left behind. I found this rather odd (and promptly locked away all of my stuff!)

Two weeks into traveling and I have to say I am loving it! I can't remember a time when I was so happy. (but that might be the vodka every night ha ha ha).

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