Pretty little Noosa...

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June 6th 2006
Published: June 10th 2006
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I only spent two days and one night in Noosa. Stayed at the YHA which was in this massive white historic house and had really cosy blankets...
About a twenty minute walk out of town is Noosa's National Park. It was lovely to walk out amongst the trees and then back into town along the beach. I tried my very best to get all the way back via the beach and rocks, but a big obstacle arrived...the sea...unless I wanted to swim abit to get to the next lot of I had to climb back up to the road instead to walk the final part...
There were heaps of elderly people in this town, browsing round the really expensive shops, doing lunch at the fancy cafes and going for 'brisk' walks along the boardwalk...
There was in fact an internet cafe in Noosa that used Macs...was strange but lovely to use one again actually...I miss my huggable loveable bubble and I hope you are treating it well Mum - I'm actually very proud that you are now using a computer and email. If you get stuck I'm sure Zak will be able to help you out - our little growing computer genius in the family...

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10th June 2006

im first to leave a message! look like post cards, the black rock one you could have blown up on a wall. hope u enjoyed speaking with J and L , cant wait for u to see them all again, im off for a run now and by the way if u r reading this uncle Al, bring it on !.....i wont elaborate !! apart from saying cmon ENGLAND!!!!! Lov u sis xxxx mmmmmmwahhhh pib xx
11th June 2006

stunning pictures. Zak is excellent on the computer now, gives uncle nigel lessons each week top make him much betterer on the computer!! Love you. M L Z M xxxx
13th June 2006

Noosa my kind of town !!!!!!!
Hola Lucy Noosa sounds good to me, forget the elderly bit nice shops, doing lunch, excercising sounds like me here at Manilu !!!!! Yes I even have a new mobile which Im learning to use, so in fact have two at the moment, the new one has sooo much more on it so having a good practise with it first. Colins last few days with us. Hope you are cheering on England and not Australia even though you love it so! Take care love you God Bless, miss you lots!!!!! mum xxx

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