Brilliant, beautiful Brisbane...

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June 11th 2006
Published: June 14th 2006
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My beloved Ben...My beloved Ben...My beloved Ben...

I so wish I was still in Australia for this. Ben Folds with an orchestra has been my favourite concert ever...
Seeing the city in the distance out the Greyhound coach window was a strange feeling. I hadn't been in a proper city as such in a very very long time...the smell of coffee round every corner, men in their suits and shiny shoes and the women in their chic skirts and massive sunglasses...
The hostel I stayed in even promoted the modern urban city feel...apart from the few cockroaches I saw...
Most of the people staying at the hostel were on working holiday visas. It made me in one way feel happy that I saved before travelling as people were stressing out at finding work, but in another way it made me look forward to when I do eventually get my working visa and actually live and work in one place in Australia...

My first full day in the city I spent exploring the cities museums and art galleries which were scattered all over the place. I walked so much that day my feet hurt. The walks were lovely though, especially along the Southbank passing the bizarre artificial beach next to the river in the middle of the city...I still can't quite get my head around that. Can you imagine,
Beach with a city view...Beach with a city view...Beach with a city view...

It was bizarre coming across a beach in the middle of the city...I found it hilarious how people treat it completely like a real beach, in their bikinis and sunbaking...
a pristine beach along the Embankment, now that would be funny...ahahha...
It was little things that made this city a bit different, like all the traffic control box things being made into pieces of art. There wasn't a single usual grey one in sight and was such a nice touch on my exploration of Brisbane.
When checking out the Performing arts centre I noticed the Ben Folds poster...Australia are so lucky to get the orchestra tour and The Bens tour...

The area I stayed in was called Fortitude Valley or 'The Valley'. Full of funky cafes and shops and at the weekend, heaps of people flocking the markets by day and bars by night. It's great having such an international communnity whilst travelling and especially with the world cup being on! Although the further it progresses the more tense I can see it getting!

The way the Brisbane River weaves through the city creates a really nice layout of the streets and bridges. They have marked running and cycling circuits too which take in the river crossings and the beautiful floating walkway. This walkway was so cool, especially at the time I walked along it with the sunsetting
The night is approaching...The night is approaching...The night is approaching...

Taken from the floating walkway along the sky at night shepherds delight...
behind the city...and when the seacats came past it would turn the bridge into one big wave bouncing you up and down...

My last day in Brisbane city was the Queen's birthday, which i have now found out that English people do not get a days holiday for, but Australians do! Took a stroll into the city with some friends to Roma Street Parklands. There was a big free BBQ going on and a great jazz band playing. I still really want to learn a brass instrument, trumpet especially... The sun was shining here too and the atmosphere really reminded me of an English summer fete, although I can't quite somehow see the BBQ being free...

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Art around the city...Art around the city...
Art around the city...

I think its such a good idea how they have artwork on the traffic control boxes, rather than them being the usual dull grey colour...
Roma Street Parklands...Roma Street Parklands...
Roma Street Parklands...

The world's largest subtropical garden in a city centre...a beautiful escape from the city life...
Happy by the river...Happy by the river...
Happy by the river...

Taken on my last night in Brisbane after a lovely long walk along the river...
Hostel lampshade...Hostel lampshade...
Hostel lampshade...

A rather inventive way of decorating a lampshade. There were heaps like this and in the bar they had koalas all over them. On the reception desk though there were sharks with their mouths open and barbie dolls sticking out, bit disturbing...

14th June 2006

will comment later as in a rush xxxx pib
17th June 2006

Brisbane sounds good.
Hi Lucy, like the sound of Brisbane, although I think I like most of the places you have been to! Not so keen on the water things though, give me a pool free from crocs sharks etc. Not long before Ian joins you now!! carry on having fun. God Bless love you mum xxx
19th June 2006

Hey Lucy, I really like the sound of Brisbane too and the pictures are great, We are looking to go back to oz next year and i think brisbane will be on the list of places to go to have to chat about it in canada not long now.Take care, love from us allxxx

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